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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: Anti-Pot Team Attacks Push To Legalize It
Title:US AK: Anti-Pot Team Attacks Push To Legalize It
Published On:2004-10-14
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-08-21 20:21:49

MESSAGE: U.S. deputy drug czar, top cops, physicians join forces
against Ballot Measure 2.

The governor, his wife, a key federal anti-drug official, medical
professionals and top Alaska cops led an assault Wednesday on a ballot
initiative that would legalize pot, saying it could damage everything
from schoolchildren to the state's relationship with the military.

The anti-drug team, members of which pitched their message at a press
conference and a luncheon, represented the strongest, most organized
airing so far of the opposition to Ballot Measure 2, which will go
before voters in the Nov. 2 election.

The measure would make it legal under state law for people 21 and
older to grow, use, sell or give away marijuana. It would also allow
for state regulation and taxation of marijuana.

White House deputy drug czar Scott Burns, at a press conference at a
juvenile drug treatment center in East Anchorage, said that according
to one state study, almost 50 percent of high school students in
Alaska reported using marijuana at least once. "That is

And dangerous, he said, because marijuana is far more potent than it
was in the 1960s and '70s. "This is now a rite of middle school drug."

Burns was joined by Alaska State Troopers Director Col. Julia Grimes;
Deputy Anchorage Police Chief Audie Holloway; Alaska's first lady,
Nancy Murkowski; and others.

Dr. Paul Worrell, president of the Alaska State Medical Association, a
private organization with about 600 physician members, said his group
opposes Ballot Measure 2 because it believes marijuana is an
introduction to other drugs and needs to be discouraged as a matter of
public health.

Worrell said he has taken care of hundreds of patients with substance
abuse problems and that almost all said they started with marijuana.
He said he has seen patients who have emphysema, asthma, lung cancer
and other ailments where it is clear to him from talking to them that
the culprit is marijuana.

At least four groups support the measure to legalize

One, Alaska Hemp, raised around $108,000, about half of that in
individual donations from hundreds of Alaskans, and spent most of its
money getting the measure on the ballot through the initiative
process, according to organizers. Another of the groups has been
bankrolled with half a million dollars by an Outside organization, the
Marijuana Policy Project, and has used much of its money on television
and radio advertisements.

The pro-initiative forces argue marijuana use is a personal privacy
matter, is not as harmful as alcohol and taxing it could be a source
of revenue for Alaska. They also say too many kids already can get
their hands on pot, which is an argument for regulation.

Grimes and Holloway both said marijuana is tied to numerous accidents,
injuries and deaths. Holloway said the Anchorage Police Department has
had homicides related to marijuana grows and profits. Legalization, he
said, is not just about personal use. "It's going to have an effect on
people who don't use it."

Public officials are generally allowed under state law to speak about
ballot initiatives as long as such communication promotes the public
interest and is in the usual and customary practice of their duties,
according the Alaska Public Offices Commission.

Nancy Murkowski said she feared legalization would lead to more
absenteeism at workplaces. She also worried about the effects it would
have on villages that have worked to ban alcohol.

"This is truly going to be something that is a cancer on our state,"
she said.

"This is not about privacy," she said. "This is about smoking

Later, at a downtown luncheon, Gov. Frank Murkowski said an effort is
under way to "buy Alaska" on the legalization issue. He said he
appreciated that Alaskans like their privacy, but there is a common
good at stake: "That is our youth."

Tim Hinterberger, an associate professor for the University of Alaska
Anchorage's biomedical program and a sponsor of Ballot Measure 2, said
it wasn't until after the initiative got on the ballot that the
Marijuana Policy Project got interested and started making large
financial contributions. "There's no doubt it was a homegrown
campaign," he said.

The governor also said the military plays a great role in Alaska and
legalized pot could harm that relationship.

"These are serious considerations for the state of Alaska," he

Expanding on that theme, a Murkowski spokesman, Mike Chambers, later
said the governor was drawing on his experience serving as a U.S.
senator during base closure proceedings.

Chambers said legalization could be an "aggravating factor" in such
proceedings. "This could be something that influences someone's
decision," he said. "It's going to have a negative effect on our
relationship with the military."

Chambers said Alaska is also a major training center for the military.
"The fear is that something like this would have a chilling effect on
the training dollars and where they spend them."

Hinterberger said raising the prospect that approval of the initiative
would impact the military presence in Alaska is a scare tactic.

Proponents of Ballot Measure 2 also said Burns' contention that too
many kids are smoking pot was making their case for them. Ken Jacobus
said if so many kids are using marijuana, the government's drug war
obviously isn't working and Alaska needs to try something different,
like regulation.

"One definition of insanity is doing something over and over and over
again and expecting that the result will be any different," he said.
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