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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TN: Editorial: Federal Help Needed To Fight Battle On Meth
Title:US TN: Editorial: Federal Help Needed To Fight Battle On Meth
Published On:2004-10-20
Source:Jackson Sun News (TN)
Fetched On:2008-08-21 19:35:23

Better late than never. With just weeks to go before the Nov. 2 election,
it was encouraging to see both Republicans and Democrats weighing in last
week on the growing scourge of methamphetamine. But meth is a problem that
should transcend partisan politics. Meth is a serious health problem that
merits federal intervention.

Meth is a growing problem, not just in Tennessee and the Southeast, but
across the country. Meth affects rural areas, as well as urban; rich areas
as well as poor. It's easy to make. It produces a powerful high and is
almost instantly addictive.

The federal government should approach this problem much as it approached
the "War on Drugs" during the 1980s. It should marshal its considerable
resources and focus on four main areas: Restricting access to ingredients,
education, tougher penalties and treatment.

Restricting access to ingredients is the No. 1 thing the government can do
to fight meth. Oklahoma already has a tough, but effective, law that puts
medicines containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine behind pharmacy counters
and requires a photo ID and signature to purchase. The problem is, Oklahoma
is just one state. A federal law is needed to make those provisions universal.

The government also should undertake a massive education campaign.
Americans need to know that while meth produces a powerful, long-lasting
high, it is almost instantly addictive. They need to know that the average
life expectancy of a meth user is about two to five years. And they need to
know that meth's dangers extend beyond the user, contaminating everything
it touches.

Tougher penalties and treatment should be the final two prongs of the
government's battle plan. In Tennessee last year, penalties for meth
production and possession were toughened to bring them more in line with
other drugs. The same should be done in other states.

As for treatment, it is perhaps the hardest, but most effective way to
defeat meth. Breaking the cycle of addiction allows users to become
productive citizens again. It reduces states' needs to constantly build new
jails. And in the long run, it saves states money.

The meth battle shouldn't be left only to states. The federal government
has the ability, and the moral responsibility, to do its part.
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