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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: Free Clarence Aaron
Title:US CA: Column: Free Clarence Aaron
Published On:2004-11-28
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Fetched On:2008-08-21 11:55:03

THE SMALL JOYS of life when you live freely: Walking
into your kitchen for that first cup of coffee, driving down a curvy
back road with no other cars in sight, choosing what you'll fix
yourself for dinner. These are the small freedoms we take for granted
- yet freedoms we should value and recognize. A just society,
therefore, does not yank these rights from a young man for a petty
crime for the rest of his life.

The United States of America did just that when a federal court in
Alabama sentenced Clarence Aaron to life without parole for a
first-time nonviolent drug conviction. He was 22 when he hooked two
dealers up for two drug deals; they paid him $1,500. He has been in
prison for 11 years, and he will die behind bars unless President Bush
commutes his sentence.

This is the fourth Christmas season that I've written about Clarence
Aaron. I've never met him. We spoke on the phone once. Aaron then told
me that he simply cannot believe he will spend the rest of his life in

I can't believe that my America would consider that justice.

What happened?

Aaron was a college student who was experiencing family and financial
problems. I mention that he was a student not to put a halo on his
head, but to point out that Aaron was not a professional drug dealer.
Yet somehow, all but one of the six dealers involved in his saga were
released from prison years ago, even though they had criminal records
or were known as big players in the drug trade. They knew enough to
cut a deal, and they knew people they could turn on. Aaron didn't.

The local U.S. attorney charged Aaron with dealing in crack, because
one dealer converted the cocaine to crack. The court also convicted
Aaron for drugs that never traded hands as one of the dealers robbed
the other. Hence, while nine kilograms of cocaine were traded hands,
Aaron is serving time for 24 kilograms of crack.

Aaron also made the mistake of pleading not guilty and perjuring
himself in court, which enhanced his sentence.

Oh, and did I mention that Aaron is black?

Aaron now admits his guilt. He has a clean prison record. In 2000, the
Atlanta warden petitioned to move Aaron to a less secure facility. He
has no prior record, no history of violence. Yet he is serving the
same sentence that FBI-agent-turned spy Robert Hanssen is serving.

Attorney Mary Price of Families Against Mandatory Minimums noted: "He
got a longer sentence than he would have got had he hijacked an
airplane, had he detonated a bomb in a public place, had he committed
second degree murder or had he raped a 10-year-old child."

A recent ruling by a federal court -- now before the U.S. Supreme
Court -- would make Aaron's sentence far less likely to occur if the
same case were before a court today. If the Supreme Court justices
uphold the Blakely decision, jurors would have to rule on the amount
of drugs and kind of drugs for which a defendant is convicted. As
Price pointed out, if the court had sentenced Aaron for cocaine
instead of crack, his sentence would be under 16 years -- even if you
include the 15 kilograms from the second deal that didn't happen.

A Department of Justice spokesman had no comment on the case, as it is
pending. Over the years and off the record, others in law enforcement
have told me they think this is an insane sentence -- a fluke, if you

And it says something that the Bush administration has not denied
Aaron's petition -- after denying some 3,446 commutation requests and
approving two, according to Margaret C. Love, who served as pardon
attorney for the first President Bush.

Since I started writing on Aaron, the system has shown mercy -- for
other people. The judge who sentenced Aaron to life without parole
sentenced a white lawyer turned drug dealer to four months in a
work-release facility. When the George Washington University Medical
Center learned that Vice President Dick Cheney's (now former) physican
was illegally prescribing himself drugs, the doctor was allowed to
enter a program that allowed him to continue prescribing drugs.

If the concept of equal justice means anything, President Bush will
grant Clarence Aaron what any white professional who screws up would
get -- a second chance.
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