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News (Media Awareness Project) - US GU: Editorial: Example: First Graduates Are Standard
Title:US GU: Editorial: Example: First Graduates Are Standard
Published On:2005-01-18
Source:Pacific Daily News (US GU)
Fetched On:2008-08-21 00:53:01

Last week, the Superior Court of Guam's Adult Drug Court graduated 11 men
and women who successfully completed the two-year program.

These graduates -- the first from the relatively new Adult Drug Court --
had to undergo regular therapy sessions, routine drug testing and various
rehabilitation classes, on top of regular court appearances, over the last
two years. In exchange, they not only avoided incarceration but also got
the drug charges wiped off their records.

The Drug Court is a more cost-effective way of dealing with drug offenders,
according to Judge Alberto Lamorena. Not only does incarceration cost more,
but it's hard to tell whether those who serve time in prison learn from
their mistakes.

The success of these individuals bodes well for the future of the Adult
Drug Court. These graduates are proof the program works. They show that
it's not necessary to incarcerate every individual who breaks the law --
that given the opportunity and access to the right resources, positive
change that's good not just for the individual but the community, as well
can be effected.

These 11 graduates now have the burden of not only being the standard
bearers for the program, but also the examples looked up to by others in
their situations. Fortunately, the last two years has put them in position
to handle this responsibility.

We encourage each and everyone of the men and women who successfully
graduated from the Adult Drug Court to make the most of this fresh start.
Be grateful for this second chance, because there are many others who
aren't as fortunate. Don't waste this opportunity. Be a better family
member, a better member of the community, a better citizen.

We commend all of the people who make the Drug Court the success that it
is. Your hard work and dedication is making a real difference in this
community. You have our thanks and our appreciation. And to the Drug Court
graduates, you have our congratulations and our best wishes.
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