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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: East Texas In The Grip Of Meth
Title:US TX: East Texas In The Grip Of Meth
Published On:2005-03-27
Source:Dallas Morning News (TX)
Fetched On:2008-08-20 14:35:04

Henderson County Has Trained Its Sights On Drug Plague, But There's Been No
End To The Devastation

ATHENS, Texas ­ Meth horror stories are all too easy to find in Henderson
County. At the hospital, emergency room doctor Dan Bywaters is haunted by
the abandoned toddler who vomited uncontrollably after eating
methamphetamine. At the jail, Sheriff J.R. "Ronny" Brownlow has scabby
prisoners tell him to his face that they'll go back on meth the day they go
free. At the court building, state district Judge Carter Tarrance jokes
about running a full-time meth court.

At Cedar Creek Lake, army retiree Al Gusner tells war stories about
twitchy neighbors who rammed his car and held a knife to his throat
for trying to chase meth users and labs from his neighborhood.

The drug known as "white-trash crack" has stalked the back roads of
Henderson County, fueling child abuse, violence and misery for the
last four years. "Epidemic is almost not strong enough a word, because
it doesn't go away," said Dr. Bywaters, the ER medical director at
East Texas Medical Center-Athens, the county's only hospital. "It's
hard to believe the scope of the problem, to be honest."

The problem is hardly isolated to Henderson County. The drug is so
easy to make, and so many labs have been discovered across the
northern half of Texas since 2000, that the area stretching from the
Panhandle, through Dallas, to the Louisiana-Arkansas line has become
the state's meth belt.

Meth made up 54 percent of all confiscated items sent to the
Department of Public Safety regional crime lab in Abilene last year.
At Amarillo's regional DPS lab, it was 41 percent. At the Dallas and
Tyler labs, meth accounted for about a third last year.

Among those nabbed across the region for using, making or selling the
drug: schoolteachers, more than one state prosecutor, small-town
police officers, a University of North Texas professor and a retired
homicide cop in Houston. Jane Marshall, a University of Texas
professor who studies drug-abuse trends, said the problem has hit
rural areas the hardest, "and it is exacting a huge price on local

This is the story of a rural Texas county drowning in meth.
Authorities have been on the offensive for two years; drug arrests
have doubled, and crime has dropped. Still, the sheriff and others are
pessimistic about ever getting the upper hand.

Said Judge Tarrance: "I feel like I'm bailing the ocean."

Consumed In a Hurry

Meth has afflicted rural Texas for the same reason it has ravaged much of
the nation's heartland: Anyone with inclination, a few hours and an Internet
recipe can turn a vile brew of over-the-counter cold medicines,
hardware-store solvents and farm chemicals into methamphetamine.
Experts say that the drug's psychological hook is more powerful than crack
cocaine. One "bump" smoked, swallowed or injected induces a long, manic high
that ends with an equally intense crash and craving for more. Paranoia is
common, and regular users can suffer temporary psychosis and permanent brain
damage. And it has infested Henderson County with particular intensity.

Child-welfare workers, judges, doctors and cops talk about meth's impact
with the weariness of combat veterans: babies born weekly with meth in their
bloodstreams; 10- and 12-year-olds using meth; girls barely in their teens
prostituted to support parents' habits; a cheerleader and homecoming
princess coping with a mother on meth.

Arrests for drugs and violent crime in Henderson County have nearly
doubled in the last seven years, even as statistics indicate such
arrests have dropped in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. For the last
two years, property thefts reported to the Sheriff's Department have
averaged $250,000 a month. "It's behind the assaults, the child
abuse," said Judge Tarrance, adding that the drug has fueled an outlaw
economy reminiscent of the moonshine era. He said meth and its users
are behind "90 percent" of all felony cases that come before him.

"They're burglarizing. They're writing hot checks. You see women with
multiple cases of forgery, and it's a meth problem." Though many users
are blue-collar, meth has claimed businesswomen, an $80,000-a-year
construction manager, little league moms and entrepreneurs. The
biggest lab busted in the county was in a quarter-million-dollar lake
house. Probation officers say they find used needles every time they
check the county court parking lot, and addicts regularly show up high
for court even though their freedom and even keeping their kids hinges
on staying clean. State-funded treatment of the county's meth users
has jumped sevenfold since 1999, outstripping rehab admissions for
alcoholism for the last several years. Dr. Bywaters said he was
stunned when he came to the Athens hospital from a Denver suburb in
2001 and saw that at least half a dozen emergency-room patients a day
tested positive for meth or showed clear signs of meth abuse. That has
gone up, he said, and meth users now account for about 10 percent of
the hospital's 80 to 90 emergency patients each day. "It permeates
every facet of the community," he said. Just before Dr. Bywaters moved
to town, he said, the county had a rash of poisonings and at least one
death related to the drug. A meth cook had cut a batch with fire ant

A paradise lost Sheriff Brownlow said the drug hit hard in 2001, as he
became a second-generation member of his family to serve as Henderson
County's top lawman. The county had a handful of old-time meth cooks
who knew the black art of making meth in "P2P" labs, a complex,
lengthy and dangerous process that waned in the 1990s after federal
laws restricted sales of necessary chemicals and equipment.

But "almost overnight," a new kind of speed seemed to be everywhere,
the sheriff said. Almost anyone could make it, with Sudafed or other
cold remedies based on pseudoephedrine.

"I'd get seven, eight calls a day, people frustrated with their
drug-dealing, drug-manufacturing neighbors," said the sheriff, a
retired Texas Ranger. "We were just overrun."

Drug blight and crime began appearing in remotest corners of the
county. One hot spot was Cedar Creek Lake, on the county's west side.
There, isolated subdivisions became havens for meth users and labs.
Lake Palestine, on the county's eastern border, was another magnet,
drawing cooks and users from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and locals who
learned to brew the drug. "These crooks know that we're very limited
in manpower," the sheriff said. "They don't have to spend much time
around here, in those subdivisions and lake areas, to realize that
they don't see us very often." Retired urbanites who'd been drawn to
the county's sleepy lakefronts said they felt under siege. Along the
quietest back roads, weird nocturnal gatherings and strange smells
prompted a run on concealed-gun licenses and burglar alarms.

Mr. Gusner, 69, had come to Cedar Creek Lake to fish, putter and work
on his ambition of being a boot-and-bolo-wearing Texan after a career
in the Army National Guard.

The native Nebraskan said his plans evaporated as soon as he became
president of his subdivision's garden club.

He learned how to spot meth-addled areas while trying to organize an
attack on illegal dumping and blight in the aging, unincorporated
clusters of weekend getaways and retirement homes that encircle the
lake. "Wherever there's trash, there's meth," he said.

Meth cooks burned heaps of garbage to conceal the odor of their labs.
Often, users were too strung out to keep up the rundown property they
rented or squatted on.

In one of the worst-infested areas, a fetid backwater known as "the
cut," meth heads squatted in some trailers and carted off all the
metal they could pry from others to sell for scrap. Druggies cooked
meth on boats and party barges in the middle of the lake, tipping the
toxic chemicals into the water if strangers got too close.

Mr. Gusner and other lakefront retirees banded together with longtime
residents and parents desperate to rescue their children from the
drug. He got certified as a state environmental investigator, and
Sandra Mallie, a school janitor, went to a state training program to
learn how to deal with the toxic mess created by labs.

"It became an obsession," Mr. Gusner said. The sheriff went to Austin
and pleaded for grant money to beef up his one-and-a-half narcotics
force. When that initially got nowhere, he and chiefs of the county's
14 small-town police departments formed a task force of five
investigators in the spring of 2003.

The new group took down labs in homes, in moving vehicles and even a
backyard tent. They busted a group gathered in a trailer for paid
drug-cooking lessons. They caught one user peddling suitcases filled
with cold medications and everything else needed for a lab. One lab
burned part of a Lake Palestine motel; another nearly blew up several
officers after a cook set fire to it during a bust.

The investigators also repeatedly found children in squalid drug
houses, exposed to toxic fumes from their parents' meth labs. Kids
were using the drug. Some were being traded for meth to boyfriends or
even strangers. Smallest victims Child Protective Services workers in
Athens say almost all of the county's abused and neglected kids have
been touched by meth. "It's all-consuming," said LeeAnn Millender,
director of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of the Trinity
Valley, a group that assists children brought in the courts. "There's
more sexual abuse, more neglect, more extremes of neglect."

According to Child Protective Services data, the number of confirmed
child-abuse victims in the county more than tripled from fiscal 1997
to fiscal 2004 ­ far outstripping the state increase.

CPS Supervisor Shelly Allen said the children coming into the system
are more disturbed ­ and more expensive to care for ­ because of meth.
CPS records indicate agency foster care expenditures in the county
jumped from $548,000 in fiscal 1997 to $1.56 million last year.

Vickie Sussen, a CASA of Trinity Valley supervisor, said she has
repeatedly seen babies exposed to methamphetamine in the womb develop
such behavioral problems by the time they're toddlers that "foster
parents say they can't handle this kid."

"I have one little girl, she's been in five foster homes already. And
she's 4," Ms. Sussen said.

Ms. Allen said the agency is also getting children whose parents and
grandparents are using the drug; that leaves nowhere for the kids to
go but state foster care.

The agency is so swamped that many children aren't referred for help,
such as family counseling, until abuse or neglect is too severe to
avoid removing the child, CPS supervisor Ann Perry said.

Ultimately, officials say, virtually all the meth users who fall into
the system end up losing their kids.

"We have lots of cases that we need to open for services," Ms. Perry
said, "but we can't."

Progress, But Little Hope

Even so, Ms. Perry and other local social
services workers say the countywide offensive has kept the area's meth
crisis from getting worse. The number of labs seized last year was
half that of 2003, even as the number of drug arrests ­ mostly for
meth ­ doubled to 338. Athens police say they saw assaults and other
violent crime drop by more than half. "They've kicked butt," Sheriff
Brownlow said.

He and other law enforcement officials say they have high hopes for
pending federal and state legislation that would regulate sales of
cold products with pseudoephedrine, much like a law passed in Oklahoma
last year. The law is credited with reducing lab seizures by 80
percent. Another bill would expand a program, MethWatch, that members
of Mr. Gusner's citizens group recently brought to East Texas. The
program encourages retailers to post signs warning that they monitor
and report suspicious purchases of products that can be used in meth
labs. Gov. Rick Perry launched MethWatch in 23 East Texas counties
after Ms. Mallie, whose oldest son spent several years taking and
making meth, did her own research and persuaded the governor to set it
up. But the sheriff and his task force remain pessimistic. Meth is the
cockroach of illicit drugs. Authorities say pressure in Henderson
County has sent cooks scurrying to neighboring counties. Purchase
limits imposed on cold medications at chain stores like Wal-Mart have
sent meth heads piling into beater cars for buying runs in Dallas and
Houston. Even users who want help face big hurdles. Henderson County
has no publicly funded treatment programs, and those available in
neighboring counties have waiting lists.

Treatment programs statewide have become progressively shorter in
recent years despite expert consensus that meth users need more
intensive, longer-term help than other substance abusers. County
officials say that increases the odds of failure for users who want to
get clean. "I don't think we're ever gonna put it down," said the
sheriff, who laughs at his own mention of the anti-drug slogan "just
say no." The sheriff says he'll talk to any inmate who wants to kick
the drug, and he urges all who will listen to turn to Jesus. Among
those he has counseled is the daughter of a man at his church. He
didn't make the connection until the father stood in tears one morning
before their Baptist Sunday school class and asked those gathered to
pray for his jailed, drug-addicted child. "The approach that we're
taking is not gonna work," the sheriff said. Both the sheriff and the
judge said they need more drug courts and treatment options, as well
as more mental assistance for chronic users who cycle repeatedly
through the legal system.

"They're talking about building a new jail," Judge Tarrance said. "I
don't think the citizens understand. You'll fill that jail up."

Taking On Meth

Several bills have been filed in the Texas Legislature to crack down on
methamphetamine. They include: A bill by Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, would
stiffen penalties for possessing, delivering or manufacturing the drug. Meth
crimes would be punished more harshly than those involving other drugs, and
possessing a large amount could result in life imprisonment. Pseudoephedrine
sales would be restricted to licensed pharmacies, and the product would have
to be out of customers' reach. The bill is awaiting a hearing in a House
committee. A Senate version, filed by Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio,
is awaiting a committee hearing.

A bill by Rep. Joe Driver, R-Garland, would increase penalties if meth
is made in the presence of a child. The measure is scheduled for a
House subcommittee hearing Thursday. Sen. Craig Estes, R-Wichita
Falls, has filed a version in the Senate.

Measures by Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Lewisville, would create meth
awareness programs for retailers and for schools. Both bills await a
committee hearing; one is scheduled for Tuesday.
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