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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NJ: Web Site Outrages Assembly Battlers
Title:US NJ: Web Site Outrages Assembly Battlers
Published On:2005-05-25
Source:Asbury Park Press (NJ)
Fetched On:2008-08-20 08:25:02

Handlin, Thompson May Sue Its Creator

The Web site Handlin-Thompson.org is not run by either Monmouth County
Freeholder Amy H. Handlin or Assemblyman Samuel D. Thompson. But that
hasn't stopped it from presenting their positions on a variety of issues.

Claims on the site have outraged the two candidates for Republican
nominations for 13th District Assembly seats. They have hired an attorney
and are seeking to have the Web site taken down.

An apology from its creator - Democratic campaign volunteer James Devine -
for some misleading comments and news releases generated by the Web site
have not appeased the candidates as they consider a lawsuit.

"It is like a thief who steals your money and says they are sorry, but
doesn't return the money," Handlin said. "They stole my name but they are
not giving it back."

The site accuses Handlin of being "hopelessly liberal" and "throwing tax
money at every problem."

The site also claims that Thompson "has expressed sympathy for legalizing"
medical marijuana and posts a picture of him with someone advocating that
change in law.

"I have to wonder if this is an indication of the sleazy, underhanded
campaign our Democratic opponents plan to run in the fall in view of the
deceptions and distortions exhibited by this Web site," said Thompson,

The picture on the Web site was taken during a meeting in Assemblyman
Joseph Azzolina's Middletown office at the advocate's request, Thompson said.

"I meet with anyone who requests a meeting with me," he said.

Azzolina Also In Race

Handlin and Thompson are running in the June 7 primary. A third candidate
in that race is Azzolina, who is running off the party line in the
district's Monmouth County towns.

The Handlin-Thompson.org Web site makes brief mention of Azzolina only to
assert that he is being challenged by "Republican politicians representing
the Monmouth County GOP machine."

The Web site initially sparked a controversy last week when a press release
was sent to some local newspapers that appeared to be from the
Handlin-Thompson campaign. The release was actually generated by someone
working on the Web site, Handlin said. She visited the site after learning
of the release.

Handlin said the site contained fabricated quotes attributed to her. By
Friday, the contents were changed into commentary attacking the candidates.

Devine said a teenager who was working with him on the site was responsible
for the release and the initial content.

"What this person thought was a prank turned out to be of far greater
consequence," Devine said.

He said the teen is no longer working on the site, and would not identify
the person by age or gender.

The site was "not intended to deceive," Devine said. "The purpose of the
Web site is to lampoon the candidates being put forth by the Republican
Party," Devine said. "Handlin-Thompson is intended to expose the facts
about these candidates that they don't want people to know."

Helping Democrats

Devine said he volunteered with the campaign of Democratic Assembly
candidates William Flynn of Old Bridge and Michael Dasaro of Keansburg, who
also are running in a primary fight against Leonard Inzerillo of Middletown.

However, Devine said he created the Handlin-Thompson Web site independently
of the campaign and was not paid for the work.

"Yeah, sure," Thompson said. "Do you want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge?"

Devine, a newspaper publisher based in Union County, said he also created
the Web site for the Flynn/Dasaro campaign. Flynn said Devine had been a
paid campaign worker for his Assembly campaign in the late 1980s.

Mark Sheridan, attorney for Handlin and Thompson, said the candidates are
seeking to have the Web site taken down and want a direct apology. The
candidates also want Devine removed from the Flynn-Dasaro campaign, he said.

"How can voters believe anything that these people are communicating?"
Handlin said. "At a time when ethics and integrity are on the minds of all
the voters as critical qualities in an elected official, it seems to be
that these candidates are demonstrating precisely why they should not be

Flynn maintained that he and his running mate knew nothing about the Web site.

"It was set up the wrong way," Flynn said.

He said the Web site should have stated clearly that it was not part of the
Handlin-Thompson campaign.

"There was no intent on our part to do anything deceitful," Flynn said.
"Sometimes volunteers are overzealous."
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