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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Suit Underscores State's Prison Rape Problem
Title:US TX: Suit Underscores State's Prison Rape Problem
Published On:2005-10-17
Source:Dallas Morning News (TX)
Fetched On:2008-08-19 08:27:04

Former Inmate Awaits Verdict; Experts Point To A Wider Net Of Abuse

WICHITA FALLS - In the Allred state prison near this ranching and oil
town, Roderick Keith Johnson says he was bought and sold for sex by
prison gangs with names like Gangster Disciples, Mandingo Warriors
and the Mexican Mafia. But his biggest tormentor was a man named
Monster, who called him Coco and was his pimp.

"Monster was the guy who was controlling me," said Mr. Johnson, a
37-year-old, gay former inmate of the James V. Allred prison unit. In
a quiet voice before the jury hearing his federal civil rights
lawsuit, Mr. Johnson detailed his 18-month sexual hell. There were,
Mr. Johnson says, near-daily rapes, a forced shower sex show with a
mentally retarded inmate, and a prison guard who called him a
"commissary ho." Mr. Johnson's allegations - he is suing six Allred
prison authorities and staff members, alleging they ignored his
repeated pleas for help - cast light on what prison experts say is a
serious problem among Texas' 156,000 inmates: the rise of warring
prison gangs who use rape, sexual intimidation and assault to
establish control and hierarchy among inmates. Mr. Johnson's
attorneys call it a system of "gang-run sexual slavery," and they say
that prison authorities are aware of the sexual abuse going on within
their institutions.

The prison's attorneys argue that Mr. Johnson willingly engaged in
sex and that his credibility is poor. A spokesman for the Texas
Criminal Justice Department, Mike Viesca, said that the prison
officials whom Mr. Johnson has sued did all they could "to
accommodate" Mr. Johnson's requests for safety. "The agency itself is
not on trial here," Mr. Viesca said. But others disagree. In the 1999
training manual of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the
agency acknowledged that, on average, "three out of 10 newly admitted
offenders will be forcibly raped within 48 hours." "Inmates should
not have to face the choice of putting out or being beaten up," says
Jamie Fellner, director of the U.S. program for Human Rights Watch,
which produced a large report on prison rape in 2001. "If this were
the only case in Texas, you could say, 'Oh, it seems extreme.' But
Texas has been notorious for sexual violence."

Closing arguments in the lawsuit are expected today, and the jury
could return a verdict early this week. Mr. Johnson, who is
represented by lawyers from the National Prison Project of the
American Civil Liberties Union, is asking for unspecified monetary damages.

Mr. Johnson ended up in the Allred prison in 2000 for relatively
minor offenses - a burglary, drug possession and passing a bad check.
Nearly 4,000 men are housed in the maximum-security Allred facility,
one of the state's toughest, which sits on 320 acres of
mesquite-studded prairie next to a stock-car track.

Mr. Johnson was released in December 2003 and now lives in Marshall,
Texas, with his 79-year-old grandmother, Dorothy Epps, who raised him
and has sat in on parts of the trial.

'They knew' The testimony often has been graphic and disturbing. One
inmate, testifying in shackles, described Mr. Johnson as "property"
made to do "anything we asked." Another inmate testified, "I sold Mr.
Johnson to other inmates."

Jeff Monks, an ACLU attorney, asked, "And was there any indication
that prison staff knew what was happening to Mr. Johnson?" Responded
the inmate, "They knew."

Mr. Johnson's case hinges on a 1994 Supreme Court ruling that prison
officials can be held liable for damages under the Eighth Amendment -
which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment - if they are found to
have acted with "deliberate indifference" to an inmate's health and
safety and knew that the inmate faced a substantial risk of harm.

Much of the trial has focused on Mr. Johnson's repeated requests for
protective custody. Defense attorneys have pointed out that Mr.
Johnson wore makeup to one meeting with prison officials, suggesting
that he had willingly adapted to his role as a sexual subservient to
other inmates. The attorneys repeatedly asked him why he hadn't
washed off the makeup before the meeting.

Mr. Johnson said he wore makeup as a "catch out" - an infraction that
he hoped would get him transferred to a safekeeping area for
prisoners considered vulnerable to attack.

Attorneys for the prison officials also introduced affectionate
letters Mr. Johnson wrote to fellow inmates. The defense attorneys
noted that Mr. Johnson signed one letter "love, your wife, Coco." Mr.
Johnson said he wrote the letters hoping to secure protection from
the attacks of other prisoners. An investigation by the state prison
system's inspector general concluded Mr. Johnson's allegations were
unfounded; last year, a Wichita Falls grand jury declined to
criminally indict any of the inmates accused of attacking him. Mr.
Johnson's attorneys call the state's report a "whitewash" and say the
grand jurors clearly weren't interested in the facts of the case
since Mr. Johnson was never asked to testify before them.

Inmates' testimony Some inmates who have testified in Mr. Johnson's
case say they've been threatened as "snitches" by guards and other
inmates. U.S. District Court Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn has closed the
courtroom during certain portions of the trial in an effort to keep
secret some inmates' identities. In one redacted court document, an
inmate said two black gangs, the Crips and the Bloods, and the Latino
gang Raza Unida had placed a "hit" on him because "I am crossing
races, meaning that I am a white inmate helping a black inmate."

Another inmate said a prison officer told him he was on the "faggot"
bus as he was being transported to Allred for the trial. Another
inmate said a guard had said to him, "You stupid [expletive]. You
think you can beat us? The state is unbeatable."

Prison officials say some of the inmates who complained have been
transferred to other facilities for their safety.

National taboo National experts say it's difficult to get accurate
statistics on prison rape, in part, because so much of it goes
unreported. Inmates simply don't want retaliation by gangs or
perpetrators, or are too ashamed to report an attack. The subject of
prison rape historically has been taboo, but in recent years prisoner
advocates have stepped up campaigns to bring more attention to the
problem. After Mr. Johnson filed his suit, which has received
widespread media coverage, the state Legislature passed a law in 2003
that provides for better training of guards and other measures to
reduce prison rape. Later that year, President George W. Bush signed
into law the Prison Rape Prevention Act, which requires prison
authorities to collect data on such rapes. It also established a
national prison rape reduction commission and grants aimed at
investigating rapes and punishing perpetrators. The legislation noted
that "at least 13 percent" of U.S. inmates have been sexually
assaulted in prisons.

The training manual of the Texas state prison system, introduced at
Mr. Johnson's trial, says that the level of sexual violence in Texas
prisons is twice as high. "Sexual assaults are always violent," the
manual says. "They never involve consenting adults because many
victims engage in this activity out of fear and as means to survive
within the institution." Prison politics Conquest and control are
often the motivations for a rape, and offenders feel pressured into
participating in sexual attacks to attain status and membership in
groups such as gangs, according to the manual. On average, nearly two
rapes are reported every day in the Texas prison system, according to
the agency's statistics for fiscal year 2005. The number of alleged
sexual assaults has increased more than 600 percent from 1996 through
2004. During that period, the state's prison population grew only 20 percent.

And the Allred prison had the most reports of alleged sexual assaults
in 2005. In the previous three years, it was ranked second. The rise
is attributed to new zero-tolerance policies, instituted in 1999, and
the creation of the inspector general's office, which investigates
inmate claims of sexual assaults and other crimes, said Michelle
Lyons, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Even so, a national advocacy group based in Los Angeles, Stop Prison
Rape, says that one-fourth of their inmate complaints come from Texas
prisons. Female prisoners also are raped, though experts believe the
problem isn't as extensive as in male prisons. One woman, a former
inmate in a Texas prison who asked for anonymity, said male guards
harass women into giving sexual favors. The guards often offer
perfume and other gifts. Health problems Mr. Johnson testified that
doctors have diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress and a bipolar
condition and prescribed medications he must take every day. He says
that he has recurring nightmares.

The prolonged sexual abuse and the prison's refusal to protect him
left him "defeated," he said, in a near-whisper, as jurors and
spectators strained to hear him. Shortly before his trial began, his
parole officer testified, drug testing found cocaine in his system.
Mr. Johnson is regularly tested for substance abuse as a condition of
his prison release. He admits to substance abuse problems since his teens.

During some of the most graphic testimony, Mrs. Epps, his
grandmother, bowed her head and clasped her large hands together, as
though in prayer. Other times, she simply took her oak cane and left
the courtroom. "I pray all the time, or else I couldn't make it," she
said during a break in the proceedings.

As for her grandson, whom she still dotes on with specialties like
pig's feet and peach cobbler, she said he must construct "a better
life." And then, drawing a long breath, Mrs. Epps said, "I am an old
lady now. I won't be around much more. He must keep the faith and do
on to others as he wants them to do to him."
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