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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Police Presence Puts Chill On Needle Exchange
Title:US CA: Police Presence Puts Chill On Needle Exchange
Published On:2005-11-04
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-08-19 06:28:15

Providers Allege Officers Are Trying To Intimidate Participants. LAPD
Says It Isn't Targeting Anyone

On a recent chilly evening, four drug addicts chatted on a Hollywood
sidewalk, dirty syringes in hand, waiting to collect new needles.

Then the police arrived. The addicts froze as, within minutes, seven
officers marched into the needle exchange and seven others faced the
addicts down from across Sycamore Avenue.

Peggy Roman-Jacobson, a volunteer attorney for the exchange, Clean
Needles Now, approached the officers. Though their conversation was
inaudible, she later recalled telling them, "You don't have a right
to be here." The response, she said, was, "We're just walking through."

"They make everyone nervous," one 28-year-old addict said, as he
started to cry. "Where else are we supposed to go?"

No one was arrested, but needle exchange staffers and addicts say it
was the latest instance in which police have intimidated users of a
long-standing, lawful program designed to get dirty needles off the street.

Last week, Shoshanna Scholar, executive director of Clean Needles
Now, made her third trip to the Los Angeles Police Commission to
complain about alleged police harassment. She said her site had been
targeted by police three times in a five-week period, resulting in
six searches, an arrest for a parole violation and the confiscation
of one man's needles.

"The police presence in itself will keep people from coming. Just
their presence is enough," said Scholar, who said participation in
her program has declined significantly since police began showing up
in mid-September. She is scheduled to discuss the matter with Los
Angeles Police Department officials today.

Police Commission President John W. Mack said at last week's meeting
that the department must quickly address the issue, noting that the
LAPD's inspector general's office is investigating. "We need to get
on top of this because this is now becoming a weekly kind of
episode," Mack said. But Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton
said in an interview that it is "totally bogus" to say that police
are targeting needle exchanges.

"We are not targeting anybody," he said.

Bratton said he supports needle exchange programs, as he did as chief
of police departments in Boston and New York City. Department
guidelines, which were updated in July, do not allow targeting of
syringe exchanges for the sole purpose of identifying or detaining
people on drug-related offenses.

But Bratton, who increased the police presence in Hollywood recently,
said the department could not ignore crime problems around needle
exchange programs.

"They've had a couple of incidents," he said. "Whoop-dee-doo. This is
a big city. I have a lot of police officers . To interpret that as
targeting, that's what I'm affronted by."

Capt. Michael Moriarty, patrol division commander of the Hollywood
Division, said the officers had not done anything wrong at the
Hollywood needle exchange site. In the most recent case, on Oct. 20,
the 14 officers near the site were mostly recruits on a
high-visibility foot beat to deter crime, Moriarty said.

They did not know the needle exchange was there but have since been
briefed, he said.

Moriarty said that needle exchanges are not a "police-free zone" but
that he would be upset if his officers were "spinning their wheels
running after people with hypodermic needles. There's much bigger
fish to catch."

Another complaint has been filed against the LAPD regarding police
activity around an exchange in Pacoima, run out of a van underneath
the 118 Freeway overpass. That complaint came from city AIDS
Coordinator Stephen Simon, who wrote that 14 officers handcuffed and
searched 10 people waiting at the site, as well as a staffer. Two
were arrested.

Simon wrote in his complaint that he expects the department "will
take appropriate steps to ensure that officers understand the
department's policy regarding needle exchange sites, and determine if
other action is appropriate."

Capt. Kirk Albanese, commanding officer of the division in Mission
Hills, said the police presence was justified. Two suspects wanted on
narcotics-related charges had stopped at the Tarzana Treatment Center
exchange. Officers had search warrants for the suspects and did not
know the van was a needle exchange, Albanese said.

"There was no intent to go there as a result of the location being a
needle exchange," Albanese said. The suspects "just happened to stop
there, and that's why we detained them there, it's really that simple."

Tom Martinez, director of community programs and services for Tarzana
Treatment Center, said that it was the first such incident involving
police in years and that the police acted appropriately under the

In recent years, studies have shown that needle exchanges effectively
reduce syringe sharing, leading to a drop in HIV and hepatitis C
transmission. Los Angeles approved an emergency measure permitting
such exchanges in 1994, and began funding them. Needle exchanges must
apply to the city to operate.

"I have a hard time believing they need 14 police officers walking up
and down the beat" near an exchange, volunteer attorney
Roman-Jacobson said. "I don't have a problem with one or two officers
walking down the street, but why is it that they need to be standing
there" in those numbers.

"We're not liked by them," Roman-Jacobson said. "In part, it's a way
to shut us down."

It's a shame, said Michael Marquesen, 40, a former addict who now
works at Clean Needles Now. Drug users deserve a chance to have
access to a legitimate public health intervention, he said.

Without these services, "I could have caught HIV and died a long time
ago," Marquesen said.
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