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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: Denver Legalizes Marijuana Possession
Title:US CO: Denver Legalizes Marijuana Possession
Published On:2005-11-03
Source:News Tribune, The (Tacoma, WA)
Fetched On:2008-08-19 06:25:01

DENVER - Officials in Denver were looking to two West Coast cities for
guidance after voters on Tuesday legalized possession of small amounts
of marijuana.

Voters in Oakland, Calif., and Seattle earlier had approved similar
initiatives that told police to make possession of small amounts of
marijuana their lowest priority. Each city has responded

In Seattle, the number of people prosecuted for pot possession has
plummeted since that city's September 2003 initiative.

In 2003, Seattle prosecuted 178 people for possession of marijuana; in
2004, the prosecutions plunged to 59.

"I think someone, somewhere, someone along the chain of command got
the message" in Seattle, said Andy Ko, director of the drug policy
referendum project of the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington.

One outspoken opponent of the pro-marijuana initiative in Seattle,
City Attorney Tom Carr, said his fears that marijuana usage would
spike dramatically haven't materialized.

"We've had some silliness," he said. "One man was arrested for trying
to sell brownies to a police officer, and someone wanted to host a
smoke-in in a park, but for the most part, I haven't seen a drastic

Arrests as usual in Oakland

Denver officials say the outcome will be more like Oakland, where
police are ignoring a pro-marijuana measure voters approved last year.
Oakland police continue to arrest people who use marijuana, say city
officials and pro-marijuana proponents there.

Denver officials say the vast majority of drug prosecutions in Denver
already are brought under state law, so police will continue to make
arrests as usual.

The City Attorney's Office last year prosecuted 1,565 people last year
under state law, which calls for a fine of not less than $100.

The city prosecuted 36 adults last year for marijuana possession under
a separate city ordinance prohibiting marijuana use. That ordinance
has a maximum penalty of up to a $1,000 fine and up to a year in jail,
although milder penalties are the norm, said Assistant City Attorney
David Broadwell.

Changing attitudes

Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, meanwhile, said Tuesday's vote to
legalize marijuana possession was a sign of the priorities of an
increasingly young, educated population.

"It is indicative of the changing attitudes," he said, noting that
because of its population, Denver might increasingly be on the
"vanguard" of such issues.

The group Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation, or SAFER, which
pushed the Denver vote, says city officials will thwart the will of
about 56,000 voters if they continue prosecutions.

"It's not whether they can do it, it's whether they will do it," said
Mason Tvert, executive director of SAFER.

"Right now, there are city officials denying the will of voters who
put them in office, and I think that's disturbing," he said.
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