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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: OPED: Liberals Must Be Getting Desperate For Dion to Talk Tough on Crime
Title:CN BC: OPED: Liberals Must Be Getting Desperate For Dion to Talk Tough on Crime
Published On:2007-03-21
Source:Province, The (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-08-17 07:45:01

Jumping the shark is a term used to describe the point at which a TV
series has become so tired, predictable and void of new ideas that
they'll attempt anything, no matter how desperate or out of
character, to recapture ratings.

It comes from a Happy Days episode where Fonzie, on water skis,
literally jumps a shark and everyone knew, at that moment, the show
was finished. But the metaphor can be applied elsewhere.

For more than a decade the Liberals have ridiculed victims'-rights
groups and voted down numerous pieces of proposed legislation that
would crack down on violent predators and sex offenders.

They've resisted countless calls to keep even the most dangerous
offenders in custody and slashed the budgets of the RCMP and every
other law-enforcement agency.

But lo and behold, now Stephane Dion is promising to "pursue a tough,
effective strategy to fight crime and make our communities safer."

The about-face came within days of Ontario's attorney-general
criticizing federal Liberal justice policies. He noted the Liberals
have "very little substance to offer by way of alternative, and
certainly nothing new or effective. The typical federal Liberal
approach to crime, in a word, is a boomer approach that is stuck in
the summer of love."

Stephane Dion a born-again crime fighter? Au contraire.

His Justice critic, Marlene Jennings, has repeatedly criticized the
Harper government's anti-crime efforts, and claimed to be "horrified"
at their plans to crack down on offenders. Liberal public-safety
critic Sue Barnes calls measures to get tough on criminals "draconian."

Even as Dion was announcing his support for reverse-onus bail
hearings for those arrested for gun crimes, the Liberals continued to
stall passage of Bill C-35 that would establish exactly that; a
reverse-onus condition at bail hearings regarding serious firearm offences.

Dion says: "The most effective way to protect our homes and our
rights is to catch and convict more criminals."

Meanwhile, his party gutted Bill C-9, legislation that would ban
house arrest for arsonists, burglars and car thieves. Sounds more
like catch and release than catch and convict.

The Liberal crime platform calls for a crackdown on Internet luring
as well as hiring more police officers. But his party recently voted
against legislation specifically designed to protect children from
sexual predators and wouldn't support the hiring of 1,000 additional
RCMP members in last year's budget.

Leaders often revisit issues and change positions. Mulroney did it on
free trade and Chretien did it on his promise to scrap the GST.

But Liberals cracking down on criminals? Just when all the polls
spell trouble for them? Even as they continue to oppose each and
every new piece of law and order legislation?

Looks like Dion and his party just jumped the shark.
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