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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: DrugSense Weekly, Jan. 5, 2007 #481
Title:Web: DrugSense Weekly, Jan. 5, 2007 #481
Published On:2007-01-05
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 18:20:07


* This Just In http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n481.html#sec1

(1) Minister Drops In At Injection Site (2) Schools Would Set Own
Policy On Searching Students (3) Column: Adding Time Doesn't Stop
Crime (4) The Time Has Come To Stop The War And Reform Our Drug Policies

* Weekly News in Review http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n481.html#sec2

Drug Policy

(5) Sentencing Guidelines Face New Scrutiny (6) Illegal Drug Use
Among Teenagers Continues To Fall (7) Drugs, Alcohol Abusers Getting
Younger (8) Maine Bill Seeks Regulation Of Legal Hallucinogenic Drug
(9) Trip Fantastic

Law Enforcement & Prisons

(10) Ex-Drug Officer Plans Tips Video (11) ACLU Sues Treasurer Over
New Regulations (12) The Private Arm of the Law (13) 16-Year-Old
Mother Charged With Murder After Tests Confirm Drug Overdose Killed
Baby (14) Del Guard Quietly Assists In Anti-Drug Efforts

Cannabis & Hemp

(15) Marijuana's Only Problem (16) Medical Marijuana Blocked (17)
Experts: Medical Marijuana Best As Pill (18) Compassion Club Raided,
Names Taken (19) Paper Here To Stay So Let's Make It With Hemp

International News

(20) Doubts Grow As Sprayers Target Afghan Poppies (21) Andalucia To
Provide Prescription Heroin To Long Term Addicts (22) Mexico Fights
Cartels In Western State (23) To Ban, Or Not?

* Hot Off The 'Net http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n481.html#sec3

Warning For Cannabis Users In East Anglia

Lies, Damned Lies, and Drug War Statistics

Pee No Evil / By Jacob Sullum

Just Say 'Failure' / By Sasha Abramsky

Premature Mortality Among Young Injection Drug Users in Vancouver

Cultural Baggage Radio Show

* What You Can Do This Week

Register Now For ASA'S CA Conference

* Letter Of The Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n481.html#sec5

Teens And Drugs / By John Chase

* Feature Article http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n481.html#sec6

We The People, The 110th Congress, And Peace In The War On Drugs / By
Bryan W. Brickner

* Quote of the Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n481.html#sec7

John Adams

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