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News (Media Awareness Project) - New Zealand: Kiwi Party Singles Out Drugs, Booze
Title:New Zealand: Kiwi Party Singles Out Drugs, Booze
Published On:2008-07-07
Source:Manawatu Evening Standard (New Zealand)
Fetched On:2008-07-13 09:26:36

Random drug-testing in schools, violent criminals losing any right to
parole and increasing the penalty for class A drug manufacture and
distribution to the same as murder are the planks of a hardline law
and order policy from the Kiwi Party.

"Those profiting from the manufacture and sale of class A drugs are
murderers in my opinion," party leader Larry Baldock said at a
regional conference in Palmerston North.

The maximum penalty for importing, manufacturing or supplying class A
drugs is already life imprisonment, however.

Conspiring to supply class A drugs carries a maximum penalty of 14
years' imprisonment.

Mr Baldock said drug and alcohol abuse was at the root of much of the
nation's crime.

"Our young people need a strong message to encourage them to make the
right choices with regards to binge drinking and drug usage," he said.

"Random testing would help identify those in need of help and make it
clear that we do not intend to stand idly by while they waste their
youth and potential. . ."

A World Health Organisation report found that 42 percent of New
Zealanders had used cannabis.

Mr Baldock, who had himself used cannabis, said it nearly ruined

Lowering the drinking age from 20 to 18 was a mistake, he

People alleged to have committed violent offences should not be
eligible for bail and violent criminals would not get parole or home

Hail pelted the region in the hours before the conference and the
weather was freezing throughout the day.

"For hardy folk like yourselves, it's a summer's day really, isn't
it?" party president and emcee Frank Naea joked at the Palmerston
North Convention Centre.

Mr Baldock, who led efforts to bring about a referendum on smacking,
said the Kiwi Party was not a single-issue party, though repealing
anti-smacking legislation had been its top priority.

"Parents should be able to raise their children without the fear of
the police turning up at the door," he said.

"Helen Clark, Sue Bradford, Peter Dunne, John Key - you will not drown
out the voice of the people."

The Christian-based party played clips from the Amazing Grace movie,
which depicted anti-slavery campaigner William Wilberforce presenting
390,000 signatures - roughly the same number collected against
anti-smacking legislation.

Mr Baldock was frosty about the prime minister's record of "social

He said Miss Clark's agenda of "humanism, socialism and secularism"
undermined traditional Kiwi values exemplified by Sir Edmund Hillary.

The Kiwi Party hoped anger over anti-smacking legislation would
translate into votes for the party at this year's election.

Mr Baldock said he believed the party could cross the 5 percent
threshold needed to earn representation in Parliament - or that he
could win the Tauranga electorate.

If successful, the party would not support Labour.

It would also "make sure National does not return to the harsh social
policies of the 1990s".

People wanted to get rid of Labour but they were "not really that
stoked about National".
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