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News (Media Awareness Project) - Europe: Cannabis Safer Than Alcohol or Tobacco, Says Study
Title:Europe: Cannabis Safer Than Alcohol or Tobacco, Says Study
Published On:2008-06-27
Source:Irish Examiner (Ireland)
Fetched On:2008-06-30 18:56:08

CANNABIS is less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco, according to a
major review published by the EU drugs agency.

The report said most users cease smoking cannabis by their late 20s or
early 30s and that the vast majority did not experience any negative

"On every comparison of dangerousness we have considered, cannabis is
at or near the bottom in comparison with other psychoactive
substances," said author Robin Room, in an analysis contained in a
700-page EU report on cannabis.

The report, A Cannabis Reader: Global Issues and Local Experiences, was
published yesterday by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug
Addiction to coincide with international day against drug abuse and illicit

Mr Room examined a range of research on the health effects of legal
and illegal drugs, which compared the substances based on
dangerousness or harm, degree of intoxication and dependence. These

* Harm: Ecstasy and cocaine highest, followed by alcohol and heroin, with
cannabis lowest.

* Intoxication: Alcohol highest, heroin next, then cocaine, cannabis fourth.

* Dependence: Tobacco highest, heroin second, cocaine third, alcohol fourth
and cannabis lowest.

The study follows a report this week by the National Advisory
Committee on Drugs, which highlighted sharp rises in cannabis use in
many parts of Ireland.

Mr Room said a report by the French Roques committee divided the
effects of drugs between general toxicity - involving direct health
damage - and "social dangerousness", with criminal and other behaviour

It rated cannabis as "very weak" in terms of toxicity and "weak" in
terms of social dangerousness.

In comparison, alcohol was rated "strong" for both, with tobacco "very
strong" and "none" respectively.

Heroin was rated "strong" (except for medical doses) for toxicity and
"very strong" for social dangerousness. Cocaine was also rated
"strong" and "very strong".

Mr Room said the current international restrictions on cannabis were
"too harsh", compared with the greatly under-regulated systems for
alcohol and tobacco.

In a separate analysis on the health impact of cannabis, researcher
John Witton concluded: "Most cannabis users cease smoking cannabis by
their late 20s or early 30s and the vast majority do not experience
any adverse effects."

He said a minority continue their use and that long-term heavy users
reported negative health effects.



* Nationwide: 22% of 15-64 year olds have taken cannabis (18% in 2003), 6%
in the previous year and 3% in the previous month.

* East coast: the respective figures are: 36% (24%, 2003), 11% and

* West: 21% (12%, 2003), 4% and 2%. *(Source: NACD)
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