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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN SN: LTE: World Would Be Better Without Cocaine...
Title:CN SN: LTE: World Would Be Better Without Cocaine...
Published On:2008-06-12
Source:News Review, The (CN SN)
Fetched On:2008-06-14 16:36:03

To the Editor:

In the The Star Phoenix we learn that a fellow who had a dial a dope
operation while serving a suspended sentence has six months to serve
in jail. Is that actually three months for good behavior?

He already served four months in remand while awaiting trial. He said
that he had never been in jail before. He had to contend with crowded
conditions, unsanitary toilet seats and the constant possibility of
conflict with other inmates. He said that he is on his way to a
serious criminal record.

Presumably according to him the people who put him in a short stint
in jail are to blame not his actions. Packages of cocaine were found
in his home.

Here are a few vignettes in the land of cocaine epidemic: northern
Saskatchewan. From Green Lake our source tells us that" children are
starving, really starving because their parents are using all the
money on cocaine. Grandmothers are doing the stuff. There was one
family that was always asking for food, clothing, bedding, all kinds
of things. I was always giving them things. Now I learn that they're
selling the groceries and things for cocaine."

Cocaine used by parents and teachers causes hyperactive children due
to the poisoned environment. Children may be given Ritalin and
treated for attention deficit disorder when their drug filled
environment, not they, are the problem.

Cocaine in the environment causes premature births and miscarriages.
Very simple. Mom can't breath . Baby can't breath. Baby dies. This is
from second-hand cocaine. What cocaine does when mom is on it causes
babies to be born with a cocaine habit, assuming baby can be born.

Cocaine is a major factor in thefts, break-ins, and acts of violence
which contribute to a great many jail sentences and an environment of
criminal terror in homes and communities.

Cocaine causes a world of lies. Nobody can be trusted. There is no
respect for each other , for family authority or any other authority.
When you're on cocaine, you're on. It's number one in your life.
Parents, children, friends are secondary. Other peoples' suffering is
not your problem. People are your friends if they facilitate your
cocaine habit.

Cocaine causes immoral behavior. Cocaine causes an increased desire
for sexual activity while it contributes to an attitude of disdain
and degradation of the people used. People pay for cocaine with their
bodies. Sometimes people's children pay with their bodies for their
parents' cocaine habit.

Cocaine contaminates the environment. It burns holes in clothes,
furniture and bedding. Cocaine hands touching garden plants kill the
plants. Cocaine hands on a bird feeder will keep the birds away.
Cocaine hands on food, medicine, dishes, contaminates and makes others sick.

Concerned about the unborn? Then stop cocaine.

Concerned about child hunger? Then stop cocaine. Concerned about
learning disorders? Then stop cocaine. Concerned about child sexual
abuse? Then stop cocaine. Concerned about male and female
prostitution? Then stop cocaine. Concerned about increased crime
rates in all areas? Then stop cocaine.

Cocaine will not be stopped by six month jail sentences on suppliers.

Cocaine destroys, degrades and kills. We need convictions and
sentencing that reflect this reality.

Gay Caswell, Brabant Lake, SK.
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