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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NV: Column: New Drug Monsters Preying On Youth
Title:US NV: Column: New Drug Monsters Preying On Youth
Published On:2008-04-27
Source:Nevada Appeal (Carson City, NV)
Fetched On:2008-04-29 20:52:03

In recent months, leaders of this community have targeted a specific
evil enemy in hopes of saving many of our young people from the
devastation it causes. This enemy is known as methamphetamine. We as
citizens of this great community responded quite swiftly, as we
should with any threat that has the capability to harm our youth or
any citizen. The fight persists and likely will for some time to come.

As the use of methamphetamine appears to be on the decline in this
community, the use of prescription drugs, over-the-counter
medications, and heroin (opiates) are on the rise. While attempting
to put one evil nemesis to rest, we in fact woke other opportunistic
creatures waiting to wreak havoc on our young people.

I can tell you as the Chief Juvenile Probation Officer for Carson
City, we drug test many of our probationers for several illicit and
illegal substances. We have seen a significant reduction in the use
of methamphetamine and a dramatic increase in the use of heroin
(opiates). The reduction in methamphetamine reveals the cold and true
fact that our youth are cleverly and dangerously making the switch to
other substances that are not necessarily on the radar screen right

What can be learned from this experience is that those individuals
who use substances that are dangerous will adapt their usage to what
is available to them in the ever-changing climate of substance abuse
and use.

Parents need to understand that the threats are real and come in
several forms and have several names. While shopping for a car, it is
obvious that all cars are not the same color and the same brand name.
These choices are often dependent upon supply and demand. Our
children who are at risk will likely choose the substances that are
available to them. Methamphetamine is just one of them. Kids in our
community have discovered that meth is not as easy to obtain as it
was just a few months ago. For that reason, the use of heroin has
been on a significant increase.

I believe the tactic of singling out one drug or substance to fight
might have its downfalls. As adults and parents, it is essential that
we don't get so caught up in singling out one monster, that we open
the door for several others to sneak in and harm those we love and
care about. It is much easier to go to battle if you know who the
enemy is.

I have always believed that the best way to defend your children from
the evil enemies of drugs is to be involved with the many aspects of
your child's life.

You should always know who your child's peers are and engage with
those peers when the situation presents itself. Look for changes in
your child that are out of the ordinary. These changes include, but
are not limited to, poor grades, different dress, coming home late
at night, sneaking out of the house, different peers, reduction in
weight, weight gain, different and unusual taste in music, people
coming and leaving your house and a change in behavior toward parents
and adults. Our children do go through changes as they grow up and I
know that teenage years can be difficult. But don't always assume
that they are going through a phase that will dissipate over time. In
fact, time is of the essence and your intervention may be the best
defense for your child.

It is important to understand that the physical signs of drug use
vary depending on the substance. In recent months we have all been
trained to look for loss of weight, skin sores, loss of teeth, hyper
or agitated demeanor and other signs of meth use. However, the
substance heroin (opiates) sometimes doesn't reveal obvious signs.
The method of use for heroin (opiates) seems to be smoking with a
pipe, straw or similar device, but that does not mean it can't be
used with needles. Currently, the kids use the name "point" to
describe a small amount of heroine that is not much bigger than a dot
and can be shared by as many as 20 to 25 people. Also used is
"balloon, which is a bigger dot that can be shared by as many as
30-35 people. These are terms that parents should listen for in their
child's vocabulary.

Parenting is never an easy task and with all this discussion about
all the substances that are available to our children, it can be very
intimidating. But I also know that parents who are involved in their
children's lives, significantly reduce the risks.

Parents must also demonstrate a healthy and clean lifestyle
themselves. The old adage, "do what I say, not what I do" holds very
little weight and only confuses children more.

I would encourage parents to look up the substances mentioned in this
letter on any search engine on your home computer or go to the
library. Become familiar with the symptoms and familiar with what the
substances look like. You can also contact the Community Council on
Youth at 841-4730 for information on any controlled substances.

John Simms is a Juvenile Probation Office for Carson City/Storey
County and a father of four children.
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