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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Voices of Faith
Title:US CA: Voices of Faith
Published On:2008-04-12
Source:Record Searchlight (Redding, CA)
Fetched On:2008-04-13 18:04:37

Editor's Note: Each week, the Record Searchlight will pose a question
to the religious leaders of our community. We will print the
responses as space allows and then post the remainder on Redding.com.
We invite all faith leaders in the north state to participate and
share their beliefs with our readers.

Q. How does your faith tradition view substances, such as caffeine,
alcohol and marijuana? Does the legality of the substance make a difference?

From a Buddhist perspective, is there a difference between a
triple-shot no-foam latte, a fruity Merlot or some groovy ganja? Not
really. They all artificially alter perception and thinking and as
such are discouraged. A primary tenet of Buddhism is a clear look at
reality uncluttered by false attachments to transitory things and
from addictions to harmful behavior.

While the use of caffeine - green tea, a common staple of many
Buddhists, contains caffeine - or the consumption of alcohol as a
social lubricant is legal, and marijuana is not, it is not the
legality of the substance that is determinative. Rather, it is the
effect of the substance on one's clarity and mindfulness that is a
challenge for a Buddhist. Legal or not, any substance that alters
one's clarity of thinking is discouraged in Buddhism.

The Buddha wrote: "There are six results of drinking: decreasing
wealth, increasing quarrels, danger of disease, gaining an evil
reputation, indecent exposure and ruining intelligence."

However, even the Buddha wouldn't criticize or harshly condemn a
social drinker or one who is addicted to a substance, legal or not.
He would, and we should, work to minimize harm to ourselves and to
assist those who are abusing their thinking with mind-altering chemicals.

Dennis Kessinger


The key phrase might best be described as "all things in moderation."
The primary principle is to avoid overuse of any particular
substance, such as stimulants or liquors or even prescribed drugs, in
order to prevent serious physical and mental harm to the body.
Substances used for palliative purposes are generally prescribed
under the advice and supervision of a medical practitioner. The
person using those substances should both follow the physician's
directions and ask appropriate questions regarding the short- and
long-term effects. Otherwise, common sense as well as general
information and understanding of the effects of legal drugs, alcohol,
nicotine, caffeine, vitamins, herbal supplements and energy
enhancements should be a person's guide.

Deacon Mike Evans

Sacred Heart Church, Anderson

When we lean on a stimulant, it often clouds our thinking and makes
it difficult to hear what God is telling us. It's hard to feel how
loved, capable and satisfied we are when we lean on something other
than God. Being stimulated by caffeine, alcohol or drugs lessens our
ability to function as "God's beloved son." Mrs. Eddy writes in her
main work "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" that "To
those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with
blessings." What a beautiful promise for us all.

Christian Scientists feel, as do many others, that any stimulant is
not in keeping with the commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods
before me." Of course, we don't judge or condemn those who are still
learning how much God loves them. Christian Scientists respect the
many views on this subject.

There are many sad stories about the abuse of legal and illegal
stimulants. Mrs. Eddy, Founder of Christian Science, wrote in a
collection of writings "that [their] slightest use is abuse." As a
Christian Scientist, I value this wisdom. As a teenager, I was once a
passenger in a car that went careening down a mountain road veering
toward the cliffs as I feared for my life, because the driver was
under the influence. All interest in the "slightest use" of
stimulants disappeared.

Joanne Bennett, Assistant Christian Science Committee on Publication

Northern California First Church of Christ, Scientist

I cannot speak for all Islamic communities, as there exist several
opinions regarding this issue. The Quran says ,"O' ye who believe,
intoxicants, and gambling, and the alters of idols, and the game of
chance are abominations of the devil, you shall avoid them that you
should succeed." Sura 5:90. The consumption of pork is also a no-no
for the believer, but G'd being a Merciful G'd through His Mercy has
permitted the believer to eat it only to save his/her life. It has to
be life-threatening, where you don't have control of the situation.
Then eat only enough to sustain life, G'd knows best. Islam teaches
the believer to be intelligent, so my opinion would be to any
believer use your intelligence in the matter, if it is
life-threatening or not. G'd judges us by our intentions, so if our
intent is to get high, then the use is unlawful.

Imam Abu Bakr H. Salahuddin

Resident Imam, Islamic Center of Redding

The Christian perspective takes a wider look at what is good for us
and what is not. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:16, "Don't you know
that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in
you?" If we accept the full import of this verse, then we should
never do anything that would injure our physical bodies.

This spiritual mandate encourages us all to remember how fragile and
how precious our bodies are as a creation of God. We should go to
great lengths to stay healthy, both physically and spiritually.

The Bible tells us that a little wine is acceptable, but alcohol use
often becomes a matter of what I can get away with rather than
responsible usage. There are medicinal purposes behind the use of
wine and it can lower a person's stress level. Proverbs 23, however,
makes us keenly aware of cyclical drinking that so often is seen in
an alcoholic.

Caffeine is also acceptable unless a person is consumed with the idea
of getting large amounts in their system daily. This is not "taking
care of the temple" as we should.

When you consider the effects of smoking and the fact that marijuana
is still illegal in many states, it is obvious that godly people
should avoid such drugs. The Bible tells us to obey the laws of the
land, and it makes it difficult to call yourself a follower of God
and break the law.

We live in a land where many people have no belief system and live
each day seeing what they can get away with today. As spiritual
people, if we are to be an example to others, our lives must be lived
in obedience to God's Word, living lives of moderation and responsibility.

Pastor Lyle A. Faudree

Pastor at Large

From the Jewish viewpoint, there are two possible questions here.
The first question would be the Jewish view regarding the use of
mood-altering substances and the second would be with regard to the
use of illegal substances that have positive medical value.

Judaism places a great value on the practice of a healthy lifestyle.
Our bodies have been given to us by God and it is our duty to respect
that gift.

Within that overarching theme, Judaism believes in choices that
promote safety and lawfulness. The moderate use of alcohol and
caffeine is not a problem in the Jewish tradition. Wine is used as a
part of Sabbath and Festival celebrations as well as at some
life-cycle events. However, substance abuse is rejected. At Temple
Beth Israel, and many other synagogues, both grape juice and wine are
served for those who dislike alcohol or have substance abuse
concerns. The Jewish community is supportive of efforts to assist
individuals with substance abuse concerns. Some synagogues host AA
meetings. A national organization, Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically
Dependent Persons and Significant Others (JACS), exists to provide
resources and support for individuals and the broader Jewish
community in response to substance abuse.

A Jewish response to the second question would be that individuals
should live within the law. If the law interferes with logical
medical treatment, then the law should be changed. Unfortunately the
law and courts have given confusing messages with regard to medical
marijuana. The Jewish tradition would seek clarifying the law. It
would also support fact-based research to determine if the law should
be changed to allow for the use of medically prescribed marijuana.
This would apply or any other substance of potential health value.

Rabbi Matt Friedman

Temple Beth Israel Redding

The broader Christian tradition addresses the differences between use
and abuse rather than the things themselves. There are two
principles. First, we are called to be filled with the Spirit of God
and not with spirits that distract or substitute for Him. The famous
verse is Ephesians 5:18, "Do not get drunk with wine, which leads to
debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit (of God)." God's made
us for joy and for abundant life - only truly available through His
Spirit. Anything less is ultimately deadly and abuse is forbidden for
that reason. Second, we are created for intimate fellowship with God
and - again - anything that dilutes that fellowship is toxic and to
be avoided. The famous verse would be 1 Corinthians 6:19, "Do you not
know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
who you received from God?"

Neither of these principles are absolute prohibitions. Paul urges
Timothy to take a little wine for his health; many Christians use
wine in the Supper of the Lord. We take medicine and God has no
quarrel with it. But he says we were set free for the sake of
freedom; addiction perverts us. He calls us to intelligence - the
health benefits of marijuana are debated and none say why medicinal
weed is not available in a tablet of THC. Finally, he calls us to
obey the laws - like them or not - unless to do so compels us to defy
his clear will.

Jim Wilson


The humanist philosophy is aimed at living a happy and fulfilled life
and helping others to do the same. As much as possible, humanists use
reason and base their decisions on evidence.

Substances that alter mood, including caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and
drugs (whether legal or illegal), have a range of physical and
psychological effects. Some of these effects are mild and
beneficial, while others can be destructive to one's health.

The conclusion that most would draw based on reason and science is
that moderation is key to enjoying any of these substances. Assuming
no addictive tendencies, small amounts of alcohol are a pleasant
addition to a meal and can help us relax. Moderate consumption of
caffeine can increase alertness. Marijuana has a variety of valid
medical uses and may be used for relaxation as well, though the fact
that marijuana is currently illegal would discourage many humanists
from its use based purely on practical grounds.

Larger or excessive consumption of these and similar substances can
result in physical or mental harm to oneself or others. Addictive
drugs may even lead to criminal behavior and incarceration. No good
can come of this.

Rationally, one must conclude that "moderation in all things" is most
conducive to overall contentment and happiness.

Elisabeth Steadman

Humanist Peace Society

Next week's question: Do you believe that we are living during the
last days of earth?
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