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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Brown Will Upgrade Cannabis to Class B Substance Despite Advice of Drug Expe
Title:UK: Brown Will Upgrade Cannabis to Class B Substance Despite Advice of Drug Expe
Published On:2008-04-04
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-04-04 22:34:32

Gordon Brown is preparing to override the views of his own expert
advisers and tighten the law on cannabis.

Downing Street made it clear yesterday that the Prime Minister is
determined to upgrade cannabis from a class C to a class B substance
with a maximum jail sentence of five years for possession.

But opposition parties claimed the Government's drugs policy was in
chaos after it emerged that Mr Brown would ignore the conclusion of
the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs that cannabis should
remain a class C substance.

It will be the first time for 30 years that a prime minister has
disregarded the recommendations of the body set up to advise
ministers on drugs legislation.

The advisory council was instructed in the summer to review the
legislation on cannabis after alarm that super-strong varieties were
becoming more popular and that cannabis was linked to schizophrenia.

Mr Brown signalled then that he wanted the controls toughened, but
faces embarrassment after the drugs experts and scientists reached
the opposite conclusion.

It is understood to have agreed that a link between heavy cannabis
use and mental illness could not be proved and to have dismissed
suggestions that the downgrading of the drug to a class C substance
four years ago sent a confusing message to the public. Only a handful
of advisory council members backed restoring cannabis to class B.

Mr Brown's spokesman attempted to play down the decision, insisting
the advisory council would not submit its final report until the end
of the month. But he confirmed that the Prime Minister did not feel
automatically bound by its recommendations: "[Mr Brown] did say he
would take advice and look at what they say."

Whitehall sources said Mr Brown was ready to overrule the council.
They pointed to his words at a press conference this week when he
said he did not want to send any signal that would encourage drug
use. One said: "He has a strong view about it." Harriet Harman, the
deputy Labour leader, told MPs: "There is new evidence of its
dangerousness because a much stronger version of cannabis is being
used, with much greater dangers. And there is new evidence of the
risk of psychosis caused by cannabis."

The drug was downgraded from class B to class C by David Blunkett,
when he was Home Secretary, in January 2004 in a move to enable
police to concentrate on tackling hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

Although cannabis use remains a criminal offence, police have in
practice tended to confiscate the drug and issue a caution rather
than prosecute the users.

Use of the drug among young adults has fallen in the past five years,
suggesting downgrading has not encouraged them to experiment.
However, "skunk" - said to be two-and-a-half times stronger than
traditional cannabis resin - now accounts for about three-quarters of
the British market for the drug, compared with 15 per cent in 2002.
The advisory council was told at a recent public hearing that users
were smoking less of the drug because of its increased potency.

David Cameron, the Conservative leader, who supports the
reclassification of cannabis, said: "People have had enough of
reviews and the Prime Minister should stop dithering and get on and
make a decision."

Chris Huhne, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, said:
"Ministers should stop playing politics with drugs judgments and
listen to the advice of the medical experts."

Roger Howard, chief executive of the independent UK Drug Policy
Commission, said decisions on drugs legislation should be handed to
an independent body that would examine the scientific evidence. He
said: "In recent years the process has become muddied by politics."

The Association of Chief Police Officers has called for
reclassification, despite having backed the original decision to downgrade.

*The number of drug users and alcoholics claiming incapacity benefits
has more than doubled in the past 10 years. More than 100,000 addicts
are now claiming a maximum of UKP87.50 per week. The number claiming
the benefit while abusing drugs has risen from 21,900 in 1997 to
49,890 last year. The Tories claimed the payments total about UKP400m a year.



*1979: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs proposes downgrading
cannabis to class C.

*1981: Tory government says drugs penalties will never be reduced.

*2000: Blair government agrees that cannabis should be legalised for
medical purposes.

*2004: Cannabis is reclassified from a class B to a class C
substance, based on evidence from the advisory council.

*2005: The Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, asks the advisory council
to re-examine scientific evidence linking cannabis to mental health problems.

*2006: Mr Clarke decides to retain class C status, but calls for
further research.

*June 2007: Gordon Brown signals support for upgrading cannabis to class B.
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