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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Home Office U-Turn on Cannabis As Link to Mental Illness Deepens
Title:UK: Home Office U-Turn on Cannabis As Link to Mental Illness Deepens
Published On:2008-03-27
Source:Daily Mail (UK)
Fetched On:2008-03-28 21:53:47

Youngsters are to be given a stronger warning on the dangers of
cannabis following a U-turn in the Home Office.

It is to scrap guidance that cannabis should be avoided by those who
already suffer mental health problems.

Instead, young people will be warned that "anyone who uses cannabis
could be doing so at a risk to their mental health".

The climbdown over the content of the Government's controversial
drugs advice website FRANK was disclosed by Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker.

Only last month Mr Coaker told MPs that he "did not accept" that the
guidance could lead young people into believing cannabis is safe if
they have no existing mental health problems.

The U-turn comes in advance of a key report next month on whether
cannabis should be reclassified as a Class B illegal drug.

The Home Office's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs will tell
the Government whether its experts believe the downgrading of
cannabis in January 2004 should be reversed.

Since then those caught with the drug have been unlikely to be arrested.

Senior medical experts have given evidence to the ACMD that the
official attitude to the dangers of cannabis has been "complacent".

Professor Louis Appleby, national director for mental health, told
the ACMD in February that "the evidence is pointing towards cannabis
as a cause of severe mental illness".

Mr Coaker's revision of Government advice was disclosed to Tory MP
Graham Brady, who is chairman of the All-Party Group on Cannabis and Children.

The Frank website currently advises youngsters of "increasing
evidence of a link between cannabis and mental health problems such
as schizophrenia.

"If you've a history of mental health problems, depression, or are
experiencing paranoia, then taking this drug is not a good idea," it adds.

Mr Coaker has now written to Mr Brady: "I have looked into the advice
being provided by FRANK and want to reassure you that our warnings
about cannabis are not confined to saying there is only a risk if you
have a predisposition to a mental health problem.

"After reviewing the advice on the website, I have asked the
Department of Health (which manages the FRANK website) to review the
current advice given on the site with a view of making it clear that
anyone who uses cannabis could be doing so at a risk to their mental health."

Last night Mr Brady said: "I am delighted and I hope this shows a new
readiness to listen.

"There is mounting evidence about the link between cannabis and
mental health problems and we need to make sure that everyone knows about it.

"It is particularly important we keep up the pressure on the
Government in advance of the decision over the reclassification of
cannabis which is due within the next few weeks."

Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: "This is another example of
the chaos and confusion that embodies this Government's policy on drugs.

"First their decision to reclassify cannabis sends out the message
the drug is OK then their own guidance does the same. Yet another
mixed message.

"No wonder the number of under-18s receiving treatment for cannabis
has increased 16 per cent since last year."

The FRANK website has been heavily criticised since it was launched
five years ago saying that some regarded drugs as an "essential" part
of party celebrations and advising cocaine users to show "moderation".

Mary Brett of Europe Against Drugs said: "FRANK is misleading,
libertarian and far too soft.

"The evidence about cannabis has been around for years. If the
Government is beginning to take notice, that is very good news."
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