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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: We Are Family
Title:Web: We Are Family
Published On:2008-03-28
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-03-28 21:50:55

If you're interested in reforming drug policy, you probably feel
somewhat lonely sometimes. It's like you're the only person on the
planet who realizes how insane and destructive current anti-drug efforts are.

But, there is a group of dedicated activists who, in some ways,
consider each other to be like family members. MAPsters, as they
sometimes call themselves, know one other from their work as
volunteers at DrugSense where they grow and maintain the DrugSense
DrugNews Archive. ( http://www.drugnews.org/ ) This rich resource,
available for FREE, helps researchers, activists, and the media
understand the facts and truths behind the War on Drugs. MAPsters
work together via e-mail, discussion list, sometimes phone calls, and
maybe even a meeting at a conference. They are committed to ending
the drug war one article at a time.

If you, too, want to lend a hand - help end the drug war from the
comfort of your computer - here's a few things you can do:

* Write a Letter-to-the-Editor. Did you know that the editorial
section is one the most read parts of newspapers? Single letters from
people like you can cause an editorial board to begin to perceive
drug policy as important to readers. You can be published author,
too. If you need help, it's just a few clicks away at

* Help populate the DrugNews Archive. As you scour the newspaper and
the Web, why not also help build this extensive resource by adding
articles yourself? Become a Newshawk. It's easy using this special
form http://www.mapinc.org/newshawk/ If you want to learn more about
Newshawking and the specs that make the archive work, please see

* Become an Editor. An Editor at MAP is a special individual, with an
attention to detail, passion for sensible policies, and just a few
hours per week to make sure that all posted articles contain proper
attribution so important to research. You'll need to complete a Web-
based, self-paced training course to become this kind of MAPster. If
you are interested in joining the MAP editing team, please e-mail
Jo-D Harrison at jo-d@mapinc.org

* Donate. If you have more dollars than time, you can help by making
a generous contribution to DrugSense. It's easy, fast, and secure.
Just visit http://www.drugsense.org/donate/ . You can also spread
your donation over the course of a year by automatically repeating it
every month, quarter, or half year. ( http://www.drugsense.org/donate/ )

Checks can also be made payable to DrugSense and mailed to:


14252 Culver Dr #328

Irvine, CA 92604-0326

Join the family of friends worldwide - MAPsters - who want to stop
this endless war on our rights and freedoms. Help end drug
prohibition by volunteering and supporting DrugSense/MAP.
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