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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WA: Column: Travel Pro Steves to Challenge Futile U.S. Drug War
Title:US WA: Column: Travel Pro Steves to Challenge Futile U.S. Drug War
Published On:2008-03-21
Source:Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA)
Fetched On:2008-03-22 16:10:03

AS HE TROOPS about Europe, with notebook and camera crew, guidebook
author Rick Steves witnesses what the late historian Barbara Tuchman
called "The March of Folly," the sites of wars and witch hunts waged
by feckless rulers.

Steves has come home with a mind to take on our leaders' folly, the
federal government's enduring, woefully unsuccessful War on Drugs,
and the battle front against marijuana.

He would replace a strategy of locking people up with a policy
designed to lessen harm. It's a lot like the "Four Pillars" approach
to drug use adopted by Vancouver, B.C.: treatment, harm reduction,
prevention and -- for profiteers of the business -- enforcement.

"I'm just tired of watching people embrace lies because they think it
is dangerous to do otherwise," Steves explained.

The futility of the drug war, started by the Nixon administration,
can be seen in sweeping statistics as well as individual cases of human hurt.

The Drug Enforcement Administration estimates that 97.8 million
Americans, age 12 and older, have used marijuana at least once. The
ranks of semi-regular smokers total more than 25 million.

If 39.8 percent of those over 12 have taken a toke, the number of
young people getting high is higher. The DEA says that totals 41.8
percent of 12th-graders -- 31.7 percent have smoked in the past year
- -- 46.9 percent of college students and 56.7 percent of young adults.

Can our drug warriors claim success given these figures?

Steves says officials abroad shake their head at the ham-handed
tactics of America's drug bureaucracy. "Europe has had a 15-year
track record dealing with drugs as a health problem, not a crime
problem," he said.

Or drive 144 miles north and talk with Canadian Sen. Larry Campbell,
a former police officer, coroner and Vancouver mayor. "They're still
in 'Reefer Madness,' " Campbell said in an interview, referring to a
laughable anti-drug movie of the 1930s.

The drug warriors' tactics, of late, have been to attack civil
liberties and stomp on privacy.

An example is requiring random drug tests for those involved in high
school athletics. In a case from tiny Wahkiakum County, the state
Supreme Court ruled unanimously last week against the school
district's policy of pee-to-participate.

Bill Clinton quibbled, waffled and evaded the
have-you-ever-smoked-pot question far into the 1992 campaign. He
finally put the country in stitches with his "I didn't inhale" line.

But our first baby-boomer president signed a punitive law passed in
1995 by the Republican-controlled Congress. The law denies federal
student loan assistance to convicted marijuana "offenders."

What's the effect? In 2006, 696,074 Americans were arrested for
marijuana "offenses." Of this number, 88 percent were charged only
with possession. The number charged with sale and/or manufacture
totaled just over 90,000.

Hence, thousands of college students have been denied aid, and
thousands of other worthy citizens endure petty penalties.

A friend of mine works summers for the National Park Service, and
wants to make a career with the agency. He is a) an Eagle Scout, b)
an Olympic Peninsula native, c) a trained climbing guide and rescue
technician who d) has earned two master's degrees, and e) presents
research at scholarly gatherings on how to minimize human effects on
fragile natural systems.

One step remains: He must take a law enforcement course. Because he
took a toke on a joint two years ago -- and answered the question
honestly -- the guy must wait an additional year to learn how to
shoot straight.

The have-you-ever question has not intruded into the 2008
presidential campaign. A Hillary Clinton enforcer tried to gin up
attention into Barack Obama's confession of youthful marijuana use,
but was forced to leave the campaign.

Still, as Hendrik Hertzberg wrote recently in The New Yorker, neither
Obama, Clinton nor John McCain seems willing to rescue the country
"from the larger disgrace of the drug war -- the billions wasted, the
millions harmed, the utter futility of it."

As usual, the initiative must come from the bottom up. As with global
warming, Seattle is a test market for change.

It's appropriate. In 2003, Seattle voters adopted Initiative 75,
making pot possession our city's lowest law enforcement priority.
Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske cites, with a hint of pride, the low
number of stand-alone marijuana smoking arrests.

The American Civil Liberties Union has put together a multimedia
public education campaign, "Marijuana: It's Time for a Conversation,"
which includes a Web site (MarijuanaConversation.org), a booklet and
a 30-minute video. Steves is host.

Comcast is offering the video free to subscribers through its On
Demand service. Comcast subscribers can watch the program by entering
888 on their cable remote, going to Community, and looking for the program.

It's a modest beginning. Steves jokes about hosting because a
politician would run the risk of being "Swift-boated."

One hopes, however, that the ACLU will get bolder.

The marijuana front consumes $8 billion in taxpayer dollars each
year. To what end? What does society gain from all those possession arrests?

Sensible Americans look out today and see a country that needs to be
extracted from its failing wars.
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