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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: DrugSense Weekly, March 14, 2008 #540
Title:Web: DrugSense Weekly, March 14, 2008 #540
Published On:2008-03-14
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-03-15 16:01:40

Read This Publication On-line at: http://www.drugsense.org/current.htm


* This Just In

(1) Random Student Drug Tests Banned

(2) Court Ruling Limits Employment Drug Testing

(3) Column: Show Creators Suggest New Approach to Drug War

(4) Column: Marijuana For Pain? It Should Be An Option

* Weekly News in Review

Drug Policy

(5) OPED: The Wire's War on the Drug War

(6) Column: Drugged Out On Power

(7) Second Thoughts On Zero Tolerance Policies

(8) Column: Punishment Too Harsh For North Salem Sophomore

(9) McHenry Says No Deal To Cocaine Law Change

Law Enforcement & Prisons

(10) Federal Vice Agents Tout Successes

(11) Random Drug Checks Start

(12) Erie Police Tighten Rules On Evidence

(13) Reigning From Behind Bars

Cannabis & Hemp

(14) Column: Pot Seed Sales Do Not Warrant Export

(15) Former CIA Director Woolsey Weaves Case For Legalizing Hemp

(16) Majority Of Teen Psychosis Cases Used Cannabis

(17) Bipolar Medication Helps Addicts Quit Cannabis

International News

(18) Spliff Society - Jamaica Considers Calls To Decriminalise Use of Ganja

(19) Staff Shortages After 80 Per Cent Fail Drug Test

(20) Sullivan Takes New Anti-drug Strategy

(21) Storm Over Stellenbosch 'Police Brutality' Grows

(22) Column: As Open-Minded As a Growling Rottweiler

* Hot Off The 'Net

U.S. Cocaine Plane Invasion Spooking Latin America / By Bill Conroy

Crazy 'Pot Will Make You Sell Your Children' / By Ron Fisher, NORML

Our Most Important Legislation Ever / By Ethan Nadelmann, DPA

The Golden Age / By Greg Beato, Reason Magazine

UNODC Director Describes DPA Event As '1000 Lunatics ... On Drugs'

United Nations Drug Policies Violate United Nations Charter

Someone Has To Start Wondering What The F Is Going On / By Radley Balko

DPA Executive Director Ethan Nadelmann On The Colbert Report Drug Truth Network

* What You Can Do This Week

Contact The 2008 Candidates: Demand Action For Safe Access!

The World Psychedelic Forum

* Letter Of The Week

Wary of Monitoring / Linda Paey

* Feature Article

Outrageous Anti-Pot Lies: Media Uses Disgraceful Cancer Scare Tactics
/ Paul Armentano

* Quote of the Week

George Orwell

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