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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: America's Drug War Hits Women
Title:US: Web: America's Drug War Hits Women
Published On:2008-02-13
Source:AlterNet (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-02-16 14:00:39

Oklahoman Tina Thomas has been caught up in the American war on

In many respects, she fits the common profile of a woman doing time
for a drug-related offense. Her crimes have ranged from possession to
check forgery and theft, including an arrest for trying to steal a $64
comforter from Wal-Mart. Eventually sentenced to a two-year state
prison term, Thomas admits that she committed her crimes to feed the
"800-pound gorilla on my back that I just hadn't been able to shake."

Thomas is part of an alarming statistical trend and a modern-day
American phenomenon. For starters, she is one of half a million people
(roughly one-fourth of the total prison population) locked up on
drug-related charges. Thomas is also an inmate in a state that locks
up women at one of the highest per capita rates -- 129 per 100,000
residents, a figure that is right behind Texas, the federal system and
California. Oklahoma's imprisonment of women rose a stunning 1,237
percent from 1997 to 2004.

Drug addiction is what led Thomas down the river to prison, she admits
freely. What's a bit more unusual about her is that she holds a
medical doctorate from the University of Illinois, and was a
practicing neurologist and professor at a teaching hospital. She stood
out in her field to such a degree that her colleagues felt
uncomfortable around here, particularly after she disclosed she was a
lesbian. What Thomas didn't disclose, however, was an early childhood
marred by incest, the lingering pain from which she used cocaine as an
escape. Unfortunately, her cocaine use took a painful turn into a
full-blown crack addiction.

Thomas and other women have had the misfortune of being sucked into
what the federal government calls the "war on drugs." We have our own
"drug czar," who sits atop the massive Office of National Drug Control
Policy (ONDCP). President Nixon started this war in 1969, and
President Reagan kicked it into high gear. It's been a full-throttle
battle since, even through the Clinton years.

By 1980, the number of drug-related arrests stood at 581,000. Just 10
years later, that number had nearly doubled to 1,090,000.

In 2005, the FBI reported that law enforcement officers made more
arrests for drug-abuse violations (1.8 million) than for any other

One of the most surprising facts about these figures, as far as police
are concerned, is the drug of choice: marijuana. Cannabis is
classified as a Schedule I drug, which means that it is one of the
most dangerous drugs imaginable.

Cocaine, on the other hand, a leading cause of overdose deaths, is
classified as a Schedule II. So is PCP. Go figure.

In 2005, nearly 43 percent of all drug arrests were for cannabis
possession (37.7 percent) or "sales and manufacture" (4.3 percent).
That's millions of arrests and billions of dollars -- and amounts to a
lot of misery and money down the drain.

In 2008, the ONDCP drug-war budget will reach a record $12.9 billion,
with $8 billion of this funding being funneled into law enforcement.
Bear in mind that these are only the official numbers. Many criminal
justice experts point out that the figure doesn't incorporate the
costs of incarcerating people sentenced for drug offenses. The real
expenditure, including the costs of imprisonment, comes close to $22
billion, according to an analysis by the drug policy newsletter, Drug
War Chronicle.

We're not getting much of a bang for these big bucks. Unintentional
drug overdoses have become the second-most common form of accidental
death after car crashes. While the government increases funding for
antidrug missions in Colombia and Afghanistan by tens of millions
every year, federal allocations to the Center for Substance Abuse
Prevention and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment are being cut
by $32 million in 2008.

A 2006 Government Accountability Office report revealed that our $1.4
billion antidrug media blitz wasn't working, either. And it wasn't the
first organization to note this. In 2003, the White House Office of
Management and Budget disclosed that it found these ads lacking in any
demonstrable success.

What's worse, the people who need help aren't getting it. In the rest
of the Western world, assistance with drug and alcohol problems is
widely accessible. They predominantly view heavy drug use or
full-blown addiction as public health issues, not behavioral issues
subject to prosecution (except in cases involving other criminal activity).

In the United States, however, rehabilitation and counseling are
difficult to access without money. The waiting lists for free or
subsidized rehabilitation programs can run from a few months to a
couple of years -- even in progressive cities like San Francisco or

Most American women, as well as men, have used some form of intoxicant
(legal or illegal) during their lives, and half of all women ages 15
to 54 admit to having used illegal drugs specifically.

An estimated 22 million Americans are currently dependent on alcohol,
drugs or both, although the real number is likely to be much higher,
particularly as the figure does not take into account the 71.5 million
people age 12 and up who use tobacco -- many of whom are likely
addicted to nicotine.

Anyone who has ever smoked cigarettes habitually can relate to what
even heroin and other hard-drug users have told me on several
occasions -- that nicotine is the most addictive drug they have ever
taken, and the hardest substance to quit. (Small wonder that the
tobacco ban in many prisons has started a fierce black market, where a
single cigarette can cost between $5 and $10.)

Regardless of whether they are caught, more than 9 million women each
year use illicit drugs, and another 3.7 million use prescription drugs
without medical authorization.

One such woman, Danielle Pascu, 29, got hooked on prescription drugs
after the birth of her daughter. At first she was grateful for the
prescribed Vicodin that got her though the lingering pain from a
caesarean section and untreated postpartum depression.

But it didn't take Pascu long to develop a full-blown habit, where she
was eventually falsifying her prescriptions in order to get more.
Pascu had no criminal record, had never used drugs before and was
generally unaware of the risks involved. These days, Pascu is serving
nearly three years in the sun-baked and dilapidated Arizona State
Prison Complex in Perryville.

At this point, drug violations and property offenses account for a
majority (59 percent) of females in state prison. By comparison, men
in both of these offense categories add up to just 39.5 percent.
Meanwhile, in federal prison, women and men convicted of drug offenses
constitute nearly 60 percent of inmates.

Tina Thomas knows that she has a quadruple strike to overcome. She's a
black female with a former cocaine addiction, in a state that prefers
to lock people up for substance abuse and that will deprive her of
public assistance when she gets out. She now faces a lifetime ban on
federal benefits, including contracts, licenses and grants.

As a drug offender, Thomas won't be able to get Temporary Assistance
for Needy Families (TANF) if she should ever need it. Food assistance,
higher-education funding and even income tax deductions for pursuing a
college degree are all yanked away from most felony drug offenders.

Yet nearly every other category of ex-offender -- including sex
offenders, murderers, arsonists and perpetrators of domestic violence
- -- is eligible for these benefits. And, as if all this isn't bad
enough, Thomas will find that even getting a job will be difficult,
because she must report herself as an ex-felon.

I'm often asked whether African Americans might just be using drugs
more than any other group of people. My response is always met with
disbelief until I prove it with the government's own health
statistics: African Americans constitute only 15 percent of drug users

FBI data, at first glance, appears to show Euro-Americans bearing the
brunt of drug-related arrests. Numerically speaking, they do, in that
they are still the majority of the U.S. population. But a closer look
reveals something else: African Americans are arrested at three times
the rate of their demographic representation.

Marc Mauer, executive director of the Washington D.C.-based Sentencing
Project, asks the very pertinent question of whether police are
arresting crack and cocaine users in general, or specifically going
into communities of color and lower-income neighborhoods, where some
people are using drugs and engaging in the street trade.

"Conducting drug arrests in minority neighborhoods does have
advantages for law enforcement," writes Mauer in his 2006 book, Race
to Incarcerate. "First, it is far easier to make arrests in such
areas, since drug dealing is more likely to take place in open-air
drug markets. In contrast, drug dealing is suburban neighborhoods
almost invariably takes place behind closed doors and is therefore not
readily identifiable to passing police."

This is a crucial point. Many substance users are men and women with
professional careers. People with middle-to upper-class incomes tend
to use their drugs behind doors in nice houses, in well-to-do
neighborhoods. They slip under the drug war radar, just as college
students do.

A quarter of full-time undergraduate students meet the criteria for
substance abuse or dependence, something the National Center on
Addiction and Substance Abuse calls "wasting the best and brightest."

Yet none of this is anything that the Office of National Drug Control
Policy cares to have mentioned, much less examine. It's just another
one of those inconvenient truths.
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