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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MO: Editorial: Readers Fire Shots in War on War on Drugs
Title:US MO: Editorial: Readers Fire Shots in War on War on Drugs
Published On:2008-02-02
Source:Joplin Globe, The (MO)
Fetched On:2008-02-04 01:22:33

I have to admit, I admire Kelly Maddy.

I admire the grassroots political organizer's commitment to the
marijuana decriminalization cause and the work he has done in Joplin
in support of the Sensible Sentencing Initiative.

The initiative seeks to decriminalize the possession of 35 grams of
marijuana and the paraphernalia used to smoke it within the city
limits of Joplin.

Now, before you flood the Globe's comments section calling me on the
carpet for being pro-pothead ... that's not what I mean. I admire
Maddy's ability to wade into a crowd of people unfriendly to his
cause, explain the petition's aims and, maybe change their minds
about his war on the war on drugs.

Mad Dog Maddy?

I had an opportunity to watch Maddy in action last Sunday afternoon
while he solicited signatures for the initiative petition outside of
a Joplin grocery store.

From where I stood, it looked like about half of the people he asked
to sign his petition listened politely and then either inked their
name or walked away with a grin of disbelief. The other half,
however, were much more vocal in their opposition.

When stories concerning Maddy's pot petition appear in the Globe,
they usually illicit a wide range of opinion in our comments section
online. This week was an exception. After reading the petition update
stories online, a few opponents of the idea hammered out their
thoughts in our comments section.

"Mad Dog Maddy ... Are you telling these people how much pot 35 grams
actually is? I would estimate that is enough to make roughly 75 to
100 good-sized joints or fill a pot pipe several hundred times. It is
enough to get a lot of people wasted out of their minds. I think if
you get caught with 35 grams of pot you should go to prison for a
long time. It's not like you just got caught with a joint or two.
That is a lot of pot."

. exactly

"Exactly, 75 to 100 good size joints or several 100 pipe bowls? Where
do you get your weed? It's plain to see you don't know what your
talking about! lol"

. Toj

"I suppose next they'll want to decriminalize DUI."

. plato

"If you legalize pot, the next thing you know the dopers will want us
to legalize meth and crack. Don't open this door!"

. anonymous

"Only dopers would want dope legalized. Roll all the dopers in a pile
and smoke them."

. PotisNotCool

'A Multi-Faceted Issue'

Tuesday's update on the petition's progress was the most-read story
online that day and generated more comments than any other story
during the week at joplinglobe.com.

"I simply CANNOT imagine J-Town with a law limiting charges for
minimal marijuana possession. Truly, it is a multi-faceted issue. I
think it makes no sense to lock up someone for possession only.
Unfortunately, most 'minimal possession' charges arise from
investigations into other charges. DWI, burglary, etc. For simple
possession there is no 'gain' to society and there are too many
people engaging in illicit marijuana smoking to lock up, anyway."

. John in Albuquerque

"The idea to decriminalize marijuana is aimed at saving tax dollars
and keeping space in jails for 'hard' criminals, not to avoid
responsibilities. Maddy isn't avoiding responsibility, he's made this
HIS responsibility to Joplin. If you don't want to see it go through,
sign the petition so you can vote NO in November."

. tynk

"Way to go, Kelly! It's about time for the local police and sheriff's
departments to spend their resources and manpower investigating and
prosecuting REAL crimes."

. Guy

"I will put my two cents in. I am about as anti-drug as they get,
with my nearly 12 years of sobriety, and horror stories to boot. This
makes sense. Some of us do not support the drugs, but support the
freedom of choice when no harm comes to others. Use your brains and
not your emotions."

. Kraz_Eric

Safer Than Alcohol?

For many of the regulars in the Globe's comments section, the idea
that marijuana is a gateway drug to the use of harder substances is a
non-starter. Most of those leaving comments on this issue said they
believe that meth, prescription drugs, alcohol and tobacco are more
dangerous and ultimately a bigger problem than pot will ever be
. decriminalized or not.

"Not everyone who supports the decriminalization of pot approves of
meth and other drugs. I am SURE it will have the same restrictions as
alcohol, and before you jump on the
potheads-will-give-their-kids-weed bandwagon, let me say this: I know
of a few anti-marijuana zealots out there who think it is perfectly
OK to give their kids alcohol. AMERICA'S NO.1 KILLER OF TEENAGERS


"Alcohol has been legal for many decades, and is much more available.
All that is trying to be done is to put it on the ballot for a vote
so maybe the legal system will get some relief and can deal with a
real epidemic like meth. If only people in this part of the country
were not so short-sighted and simple."

. Highly Educated

Leave 'Em Laughing

Given the way this issue leads to heated exchanges online, it always
interests me how a few folks can break through the polarizing
rhetoric and find a way to leave us laughing.

"Legalize marijuana in Joplin? Best laugh I've had in a long time! I
live in Kansas City where we are trying to ban cigarettes. How goofy
can this society be?


"Let's also put the indispensable and utterly necessary Joplin
trolley service on the ballot to be kept indefinitely so the pro-weed
advocates have something to ride around on and not be unsafe behind the wheel."

. Smarty Pants

"A friend with weed, is a friend indeed."

. The Unabonger
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