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News (Media Awareness Project) - US GE: UN TV Ad Press Release: Please Distribute Widely
Title:US GE: UN TV Ad Press Release: Please Distribute Widely
Published On:1998-06-03
Source:Common Sense for Drug Policy
Fetched On:2008-01-28 19:20:30

The Clinton speaking at the UN ad will be aired in 9 US cities. The
press release below provides details. This may be a useful
event for Global Coalition organizations to reach out to their local
media. You can let them know about your local effort and this national
media blitz.

The ad is online at the following webpage as a Realvideo:

There also is an MPEG-1 version (7MB) at

1:30 PM EST June, 3, 1998 Kevin Zeese 703-354-5694


Washington, D.C.: Common Sense for Drug Policy is airing an
advertisement featuring President Bill Clinton with the speech he ought
to deliver before the United Nations stating some obvious truths: the
war on drugs is not being won and it will never succeed.

The advertisement will be shown on Cable News Network, Headline News and
CNBC in New York City, Washington, D.C, Los Angeles, Miami, Boston,
Chicago, Seattle, San Jose and San Francisco. The commercial is paid
for and produced by the non-profit public policy foundation, Common
Sense for Drug Policy and will be broadcast 216 times from June 4th to
June 8th.

The ad is being broadcast to coincide with President Clinton’s
appearance before the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on
Drug Control Policy. The Clinton address is Monday, June 8th. The goal
of the special session is creating a "Drug Free World." A voice
imitating Clinton says what he should tell the UN.

Kevin Zeese, President of Common Sense for Drug Policy, said this about
his organization's opposition to the existing UN drug control policy:
"Rather than employing effective drug control policies, the United
States has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on policies that spread
HIV/AIDS to the general public, incarcerate hundreds of thousands of
non-violent offenders and fail to prevent adolescent drug use.
President Clinton should discourage the rest of the world from following
this failed policy. The only thing we learned from the US experience was
a drug war - a law enforcement-based drug strategy - does not work."

Drug War Satire to be Premiered

When: Wednesday, June 3, 1998 at 1:00 PM EST
Where: The United Nations, The Correspondents Club 45th Street and 1st
Ave., Visitors Entrance (If need UN credentials arrive by 12:45)

The script for the advertisement.

VIDEO: Clinton walking into UN and then speaking at podium

VOICE OVER: On June 8, the President Clinton will be addressing the
United Nations about the war on drugs, this is what he should say:

[Voice imitating Clinton is out of sync with his speaking]

Do you think the war on drugs is a complete failure? I do.

Do you think if we spend more money we'll win? Forget it.

We're wasting 17 billion dollars a year now. And, because we put
hundreds of thousands of people in prison for drug offenses, prisons are

too full so we put violent criminals out on the street.

Heck, we're causing more crime than we are stopping.

Isn't time for a drug policy based on Common Sense?"

Visit www.DrugSense.org
Paid for by Common Sense for Drug Policy

Checked-by: Richard Lake
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