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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: An Alternative To Annual Us Drug Policy Insult To Mexico
Title:US: An Alternative To Annual Us Drug Policy Insult To Mexico
Published On:1999-02-25
Source:Christian Science Monitor (US)
Fetched On:2008-01-28 18:37:31

No foreign relationship is more important to the US than its bond
with Mexico. With no other country is sustained cooperation - on
trade, drugs, immigration, and many other issues - more central to US
well being.

Yet, year after year, US-Mexican relations are strained and embittered
by the US drug certification process, which requires the White House
and Congress to determine whether Mexico and 30 other "drug supplier"
countries are reliable allies in the fight against illicit narcotics.
Certification is a controversial policy, and every year its value is
debated. But for Mexico, at least, there is a good alternative - a
US-Mexican bilateral anti-drug agreement.

Since the procedure was initiated in 1986, Mexico has never been
denied certification - nor will it be this year, or probably any time
in the future. Too many vital US interests are at stake to allow US-
Mexican relations to be thrown into turmoil. So each year, we witness
the same ritual: The White House endorses Mexico's certification on
March 1. Congress starts its month-long review, in which members
denounce the Mexican government for drug war failures and corruption.
In the end, the president's determination stands, and Mexico is

The ritual is insulting to Mexico, and provokes distrust and
antagonism. It also pits different US agencies against one another.
Clearly, the prospect of decertification puts some pressure on Mexico
and propels it to direct more attention and resources to anti-drug
measures than it otherwise might. It's no coincidence, for example,
that the Mexican government this month - just weeks before the
certification deadline - launched a $500 million counter-narcotics
campaign. But this kind of forced cooperation is resented by Mexico,
and does not establish much basis for an enduring partnership.

There's a better way. Through the North American Free Trade Agreement,
the US has developed a special trade relationship with Mexico. The
US-Mexico Bilateral Commission is a unique arrangement that brings
most cabinet-level officials of both countries together regularly. A
similar arrangement should be established for addressing our common
drug problem.

The idea is straightforward. Mexico and the US would replace the
annual certification process by negotiating a bilateral counter-
narcotics agreement. Both sides would commit to jointly determined
anti-drug measures and performance goals, and to agreed-upon
procedures for enforcement, monitoring, and dispute settlement. This
may not be that difficult.

Mexico and the US have already reached accord on more than a hundred
specific drug-fighting initiatives, which are in various stages of
implementation. The broader-ranging bilateral agreement that is
proposed here would mostly be based on these accords.

Would the US Congress give its blessing to this sort of agreement and
exempt Mexico from the certification ordeal? That is hard to know.
Just 18 months ago, without any alternative to consider, 38 senators
voted to declare a two-year moratorium on certification for all
nations. In contrast, this proposal offers Congress a strong
bilateral agreement in lieu of certification - and only one country
is excluded from the process.

Would this be unfair to other countries or create an unwanted
precedent for US policy? Clearly not.

The US reached a special trade deal with Mexico; there is no reason
not to negotiate a special arrangement on narcotics. Over time, the
best solution would be broad, multilateral arrangements for
confronting narcotics problems, in which all countries agreed to a
sharing of the burdens and responsibilities.

Although the Organization of American States has made some progress in
this direction, there is little expectation that this effort can
replace US certification any time soon. And a US agreement with Mexico
could be a valuable forerunner of bilateral or multilateral US pacts
with other countries - again with parallels to US-Mexican trade

By reaching a bilateral agreement on counter-drug efforts and ending
Mexico's annual certification trial, the US would advance two key
foreign policy goals. It would remove a dangerous source of friction
from the US- Mexican relationship - and probably make US- Mexican
cooperation on narcotics more effective.
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