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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NJ: New Jersey Agrees to Settle Suit From Turnpike Shooting
Title:US NJ: New Jersey Agrees to Settle Suit From Turnpike Shooting
Published On:2001-02-03
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-27 01:06:21

TRENTON, Feb. 2 -- New Jersey's attorney general agreed today to pay nearly
$13 million to settle a lawsuit arising from the state's most explosive
racial profiling incident, in which several young minority men were shot
and wounded by state troopers in a 1998 traffic stop.

In an effort to quell the aftershocks of the case, the attorney general,
John J. Farmer Jr., also threw out criminal charges against 128 other
defendants who claimed their arrests were racially tainted.

The settlement ends the civil rights suit brought by four black and
Hispanic men whose van was stopped in April 1998 on the New Jersey
Turnpike. Three of the men were shot and wounded when the van began to back
up toward a trooper, accidentally, according to the driver.

The case turned the state police's practice of singling out minorities for
traffic stops and searches into perhaps the nation's premier civil rights
issue. The fallout from the case also for the first time revealed how
pervasive the practice was, not just in New Jersey, but nationwide.

The young victims of the turnpike shooting were quick to place their
experience in the context of civil rights issues from the past.

"It seems like we're still in the struggle, you know?" Jarmaine Grant, one
of the three men injured in the shooting, said at a news conference today
announcing the settlement. "Like Dr. King, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, they took
the back door so we could take the front door. But it seems to me now like
we're still taking the back door."

The settlement stipulates that the state does not admit any guilt in the
shooting of the three men -- Mr. Grant, Rayshawn Brown and Danny Reyes.
Keshon L. Moore, the driver of the van, was the only one of the four who
was not injured.

But Peter Neufeld, one of the men's lawyers, said that the settlement spoke
for itself.

"In the agreement there is no statement admitting liability or denying
liability," he said. "However, they just agreed to pay $12.95 million, and
we think that that number speaks volumes about what happened that night."

In January, a New Jersey appeals court reinstated criminal charges against
the two troopers, John Hogan and James Kenna, overruling a lower-court
judge who had dismissed the charges. Mr. Kenna is now charged with
attempted murder and aggravated assault and Mr. Hogan with aggravated assault.

While the settlement had been expected, what occurred here in Trenton, even
as lawyers were announcing the settlement in Lower Manhattan, was a
surprise. The attorney general said he would move to dismiss criminal
charges against dozens of people accused of illegally transporting weapons
or drugs.

In all, Mr. Farmer said, he would seek to drop charges in 77 of 94 cases in
which defendants claimed they were stopped only because of their race or
ethnicity, and were therefore seeking to suppress as evidence the weapons
or drugs that troopers seized.

Mr. Farmer, who took over as attorney general in June 1999 at the height of
the uproar over racial profiling, has been besieged ever since by the
contending forces at work. There are the lawyers for a host of criminal
defendants claiming to be victims of profiling, who continue to accuse the
state of a cover-up. There is the legal team for the 1998 shooting victims,
now headed by the celebrity lawyer Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., whose lawsuit
against the two troopers is still pending. And there are the state
legislators, caught between an instinctive loyalty to the state police and
a fear that the charge of racism will haunt them, who are to hold hearings
within weeks on 90,000 pages of documents, released by the state last fall,
that attest to the long-denied fact that profiling was common on New
Jersey's highways.

Not surprisingly, Mr. Farmer called today's decision to dismiss the cases a
difficult one, and he seemed to swing between a resigned acknowledgment
that the accused drivers might have prevailed in having their cases thrown
out, and a tough insistence that the evidence against them was sound, even
if the way it was obtained might not have been.

"Let's be clear," Mr. Farmer stressed in a statement that aides said he
wrote himself, and that throbbed with anger and frustration. "The
defendants in these cases may have prevailed in their motions to suppress,
but they are criminals nonetheless. All were carrying some form of
contraband for distribution in communities in this and other states. It is,
accordingly, impossible to view them as victims."

Still, Mr. Farmer conceded, there was no question that some of the
dismissed cases involved "problematic conduct by individual troopers," and
he vowed internal investigations leading to, "where appropriate,
discipline, including termination."

He accused unnamed lawyers of chasing legal fees by promiscuously raising
the charge of racial profiling in numerous criminal cases. And he alluded
critically -- even woundedly -- to the hearings planned by the State
Senate's Judiciary Committee, whose members have vowed to question both Mr.
Farmer and his predecessor, Peter G. Verniero, now a State Supreme Court
justice. They plan to ask Mr. Farmer and Justice Verniero, along with
dozens of other law enforcement officials, about their knowledge of the
extent of racial profiling and their efforts to eradicate it, including the
handling of the case against Troopers Hogan and Kenna.

"We have laid bare the truth," Mr. Farmer said, adding that New Jersey
officials had "subjected ourselves to levels of scrutiny and criticism
unheard of in the rest of this nation."

"But as we attempt to move forward, we are beset by the debilitating
consequences of our candor: opportunistic litigation and the disruption of
belated legislative hearings which -- however well motivated -- will, by
forcing us once again to reinhabit the past, necessarily hinder our efforts
to move forward.

"Enough," he added. "It is time to move on, to push this issue past
competing but equally divisive political and economic agendas."

Members of the Judiciary Committee said nothing of Mr. Farmer's decision to
drop the criminal cases, but took issue with his rebuke of their inquiry.

Senator William L. Gormley, the committee's chairman and a Republican, said
that the inquiry was actually moving quite quickly given the release of
hundreds of reams of documents last fall, and that it would be impossible
for the state to move past this episode without a full public airing. "If
there weren't a process where the questions could be asked," he said, "how
would the public feel about that?"

But Senator John A. Lynch, the ranking Democrat, said Mr. Farmer "should be
ashamed of himself." He accused Mr. Farmer and Mr. Verniero of conspiring
to stonewall the Judiciary Committee when it sought information with which
to question Mr. Verniero during the 1999 confirmation hearings on his
nomination to the State Supreme Court.

"John Farmer shouldn't be complaining about the Judiciary Committee going
back and trying to do what it was prevented from doing the first time,
getting the truth," Mr. Lynch said. "The question John Farmer should be
answering is why are his people going around the state with bags of money
settling these cases without ever allowing them to go to discovery?"

Of the 128 defendants whose cases are being dropped, 123 are already out on
bail and 5 others are to be released unless they face other outstanding
charges, officials said. Mr. Farmer said prosecutions would proceed against
defendants in 17 cases where "there was no colorable basis to allege that
racial profiling was an issue in the arrests."

In his statement, Mr. Farmer sought to mitigate his acknowledgment of
wrongdoing by some troopers by defending the force's reform efforts, and he
warned, "We simply cannot have our state troopers double-clutching in the
performance of their duties because of a fear of second-guessing."

But the president of the State Troopers Fraternal Association, Edward H.
Lennon, responded furiously, calling Mr. Farmer's decision to drop the
prosecutions expedient but reprehensible.

"I suggest that without clear direction from the top, and the belief that
they will be supported from the top, troopers will probably not even let
the clutch out," Mr. Lennon said.

New Jersey civil rights leaders responded with mixed emotions to Mr.
Farmer's announcement.

The Rev. Reginald T. Jackson, director of the New Jersey Black Ministers
Council, called the dropping of the criminal cases appropriate, but
sobering because a number of those to be released had been carrying drugs
or weapons. And he said he sympathized with Mr. Farmer's complaints, up to
a point.

"I think his sentiment is correct," Mr. Jackson said. "And yet, even in
dismissing these indictments, even with the settlement today, it does not
remove the fact that racial profiling is an issue we have to resolve, not
only in New Jersey but across the nation."

According to details of the settlement released by the state this
afternoon, the four men will receive combinations of 10- and 30-year
annuities. Mr. Grant's will pay a total of $4.4 million in monthly
installments, and Mr. Reyes, who was the most seriously injured and like
Mr. Grant still has bullets in his body that must be removed, will get
annuities worth $5.85 million over 30 years. Mr. Brown, who was also
wounded but less grievously, will get $1.785 million in the same manner,
and Mr. Moore, the driver and the only one who was not physically injured,
will get $912,000.

Structuring the settlement through annuities means that actual outlays by
the state will total less than $5 million.

The four have a separate suit against Troopers Kenna and Hogan, which is
not affected by today's settlement.

Lawyers for the troopers said the settlement left them with little chance
of getting an impartial jury.

Jack Arsenault, the lawyer for Trooper Kenna, told The Associated Press
that Mr. Farmer could have easily stipulated that the settlement be sealed
until the criminal cases were resolved. It might have delayed payments to
the victims, he said, but the troopers' right to fairness was far more

"They face 20 years in jail," Mr. Arsenault said. "The state is most
concerned about throwing money at these kids rather than about justice."

The public payment of $12.95 million "is going to be inferred as an
admission on the part of the state that my client did something wrong," Mr.
Arsenault said.

The four men were basketball players on their way to a camp in North
Carolina when they were pulled over, and part of their claim was based on
their view that the shootings ended their chances at professional careers.
Today, Mr. Grant said that the four "would never give up" the hope of
playing professionally. But, he added, he knew a career for him "was not
going to happen."

What, the young men were asked, would they do now?

"Obviously, now we have to set new goals for ourselves," Mr. Reyes said.
"My life was based on going to school and playing basketball. Now I can't
play anymore, and now I have to make new plans. Do I have an idea what I
want to do? Yes. But am I going to get it done? Time will tell that."
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