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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: Crunch Time On Drugs
Title:Australia: Crunch Time On Drugs
Published On:2001-02-15
Source:South-West News (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 23:52:11

Candidates have risen to our challenge and spelled out their intentions
in dealing with drug problems in the south-west.

You, our readers, have voiced your concern through our Drugs: Time to
Act campaign launched last August.

Now the political hopefuls go on the record.

DRUGS touched almost everyone in Brisbane's western suburbs, Member for
Moggill and Liberal Leader David Watson said this week.

He said the impact was felt through a need for continual vigilance
against burglary or through having a family member or friend addicted to
illicit drugs.

Mr Watson said a Coalition government would spend $210 million over four
years to fight the drug war on all fronts, starting with the home front.

Drug traffickers would be jailed for life, he said.

Labor candidate for Indooroopilly Ronan Lee said increased police
numbers and opening hours, new drug squads, unemployment programs and
drug detection machines would help relieve the problem.

"The Beattie Government has made no apologies for being tough on drugs
and the manufacturers, traffickers and dealers who profit from the
illicit drug trade," he said.

Independent candidate for Indooroopilly Nigel Freemarijuana said the
drug war increased the harm associated with drug use.

"It has created the drug problem and through the creation of a massive
black market has corrupted politicians, police and judges," Mr
Freemarijuana said.

He said while he did not advocate drug use or claim the use of cannabis
was harmless, he believed drug laws did more damage than drugs

Member for Indooroopilly Denver Beanland said harm minimisation had
failed as a solution.

"We will fund more drug education in schools and introduce programs
which help parents instill vital self-esteem in their children so they
are less likely to succumb to drugs."
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