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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: LTE: Police Are Winning War On Drugs
Title:Australia: LTE: Police Are Winning War On Drugs
Published On:2001-02-27
Source:Daily Telegraph (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 22:57:42

More strength to Piers Akerman for swimming against the tide of public
opinion and believing, so far as stopping the supply of heroin is
concerned, that where there is a will there is a way ("A victory we all
should celebrate," Daily Telegraph, February 22).

His opponents say: "Stop the heroin and the junkies turn to cocaine and speed."

Are they not aware of the record hauls that police have been making of
these two last mentioned substances? Do they not realise that the snowball
of modern detection methods is getting bigger, smarter and faster, causing
an avalanche from which drug users and pushers cannot hide?

Just as the atomic bomb, at that time new technology, hastened the end of
World War II, in like manner, better computerised banking, video
surveillance, X-rays and sniffing machines are hastening the end of the war
against drugs. We should applaud every victory that our hard-working police

David S. Bannerman, Rouse Hill
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