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News (Media Awareness Project) - US DC: Wire: Summary Of Countries In Drug Report
Title:US DC: Wire: Summary Of Countries In Drug Report
Published On:2001-03-01
Source:Associated Press
Fetched On:2008-01-26 22:46:25
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Following are summaries of evaluations of key countries
in the State Department's International Narcotics Control Strategy Report,
released Thursday:

Peru -- The government made progress on all major components of its
counternarcotics program. Despite political turbulence, there was a
reduction in the total amount of coca cultivated in Peru. 1/8

Bolivia -- The country continues to be a model for the region for coca
eradication. ``An extremely effective eradication program in the Chapare,
previously Bolivia's principal coca-growing region, has reduced the number
of hectares of coca under cultivation to fewer than 600.'' A hectare is
about 2.5 acres. All commercially significant coca fields were eliminated
from the Chapare by the end of 2000.

Nigeria -- The country remains a worldwide hub of narcotics trafficking and
money laundering activity. Nigerian organized criminal groups dominate the
African drug trade and transport narcotics to markets in the United States,
Europe and Africa. President Olesegun Obasanjo launched an anti-corruption
campaign after his election two years ago but the problem is unresolved.
There have been no drug-related convictions.

Myanmar -- It is the world's second largest producer of illicit opium and
heroin. Since 1996, however, production and heroin and opium has steadily
declined thanks to Myanmar government eradication efforts and adverse
weather conditions in major poppy growing areas. Myanmar is also known as

China -- China continues to be a major transit country for illegal
narcotics produced in the Golden Triangle where the borders of Laos,
Thailand and Myanmar meet. During 2000, China worked strongly and
effectively to combat narcotics trafficking and domestic drug use.
Preliminary figures show that seizures of heroin remained steady last year
while seizures of amphetamine-type stimulants skyrocketed.

Cuba -- The sharing of information with the United States and other
governments on international drug trafficking improved. But ``there remains
a lack of authoritative information from Cuba with regard to domestic drug
use and drug trafficking through and from Cuba.'' Although Cuba is not a
major drug transit country, ``it remains a country of concern to U.S.
counternarcotics agencies.''

Haiti -- Cocaine flow through Haiti decreased from 13 percent to 8 percent
of the total detected flow in 2000 but little of this is attributable to
the efforts of the Haitian government. ``Haiti's location combined with
extreme poverty, corruption and limited law enforcement and justice
capability continue to make Haiti a major transshipment point for South
American narcotics.''
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