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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: DrugSense Weekly, Feb. 9, 2007 #486
Title:Web: DrugSense Weekly, Feb. 9, 2007 #486
Published On:2007-02-09
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 15:54:00


* This Just In http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n486.html#sec1

(1) Report Concludes Convicted Agents Lied, Covered Up Shooting (2)
Officers May Face Murder Charges (3) Venezuela To Help Finance
Bolivia's Coca Production (4) Mexican Attacks Raise Drug-War Stakes

* Weekly News in Review http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n486.html#sec2

Drug Policy

(5) Column: Psychoactive Psychology: If You Forbid It, They Will Come
(6) Editorial: University Drug Policy Archaic, Heavy Handed (7) FBI,
State Investigate Drug Firm (8) 'Trey' Indicted on Drug Charge

Law Enforcement & Prisons

(9) Group Asks Sheriff To Shelve Undercover Stings (10) Verdict,
Lawsuit Cast Negative Light On Drug Bust (11) Ex-Top Cop DVD Viewed,
Reviewed (12) Defense Lawyers Protest Skid Row Drug Crackdown

Cannabis & Hemp

(13) Medical Marijuana Users Need Protection (14) Caution: Marijuana
May Not Be Lesser Evil (15) Washington Should Leave Potheads Alone
(16) Police Say Smoking Pot Endangered Kids (17) N. Dakota Issues
Hemp-Growing Licenses

International News

(18) Bureaucracy Stands In Way Of Turning Poppies Into Cash Crop (19)
Pharmacists Push For Needle Exchange (20) Heroin Treatment May Raise
Risk Of Overdose (21) Cocaine Vaccine - To Use Or Not To Use It?

* Hot Off The 'Net http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n486.html#sec3

Cultural Baggage Radio Show / Host Dean Becker

Vote Hemp Exposes ONDCP And DEA Lies About Hemp Farming

From New Orleans To Newark / By Asha Bandele And Tony Newman

Radio Interview With Howard Wooldridge Of LEAP

The Sentencing Of Dustin Costa / By Dr. Tom O'Connell

The Cannabinoid Chronicles

A Brave New World / By Danny Kushlick

* What You Can Do This Week

Join Drug Policy Activists For An Online Virtual Conference

* Letter Of The Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n486.html#sec5

U.S. War On Drugs Also Needs An Exit Strategy / Debra S. Wright

* Feature Article http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n486.html#sec6

Take Action During Medical Marijuana Week Feb. 12-18 / Americans For
Safe Access

* Quote of the Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2007/ds07.n486.html#sec7

Bernie Hobbs

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