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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: LTE: Naltrexone Works
Title:Australia: LTE: Naltrexone Works
Published On:2001-03-08
Source:West Australian (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 22:12:51

I HAVE read with horror some of the reports about the drug problem and the
naltrexone program. More users die from heroin overdoses every day and as
for the methadone program, well, what they fail to tell you is that
methadone is more addictive and destructive to your body than heroin. You
can't live a normal life on methadone.

I would invite those who are attacking Dr George O'Neil's program to visit
the clinic to see the work that is being done and the lives that are being
changed. Dr O'Neil and the staff and volunteers have dedicated their lives
to helping drug addicts and their families.

I have seen Dr O'Neil's dedication because I am a carer for my brother who
went through rapid detox and had a naltrexone implant. He is alive and well.

Addicts receive all the necessary physical, emotional and psychological help
they need at the clinic. It even offers help and support for families and
carers. These people should be commended.

The naltrexone program works for those addicts who want to get clean. All I
have read in your reports is negative; it's about time the positives of the
program were published.

There is hope for heroin addicts thanks to Dr O'Neil and the staff at the
naltrexone clinic.

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