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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: PUB LTE: Prohibition Does Not Help
Title:Australia: PUB LTE: Prohibition Does Not Help
Published On:2001-03-09
Source:Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 22:06:02

I am confused. Apparently illegal drugs are bad for us and our Government
will punish us if we use them by putting us in jail where illegal drugs are
still available.

Apart from the Kafkaesque reasoning, no-one seems to be asking the logical
question: what business is it of government if someone wants to party with a
bit of ecstasy and speed?

On what grounds do we choose to potentially criminalise a significant
proportion of our fellow citizens? How does this help us as a community,
especially when the prohibition policy seems to have only negative

Lyndon Smith, Cremorne
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