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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: LTE: Out Of Control
Title:Australia: LTE: Out Of Control
Published On:2001-03-13
Source:West Australian (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 21:47:25

SEVERAL letters on these pages have criticised George O'Neil's naltrexone
clinic. I would be interested to know if any of these writers have had a
heroin addict in their families.

My daughter's life was out of control when she was on the methadone program
and using heroin at the same time. She became a person we did not know -
lying, stealing and manipulating family and friends to obtain money for the
purchase of the dreadful drug heroin.

Over a period of several years she attempted suicide several times; she was
involved in three fatal vehicle accidents; her weight dropped dramatically
and her periods ceased as her body functions were closing down. I am sure
she would be dead now if she had not received naltrexone implants.

My investigations indicate that methadone is more addictive and much harder
to detox from than heroin. It also has numerous other detrimental effects,
including tooth decay.

Because of naltrexone implants my daughter is once again becoming the
person we once knew. She is now attending university and getting her life
back on track. She has received great support from Dr O'Neil's community
care coordinator and the parent and carers' group has helped us
tremendously in dealing with our addicted daughter.

NAME and ADDRESS supplied.
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