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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: PUB LTE: Normal Life On Methadone
Title:Australia: PUB LTE: Normal Life On Methadone
Published On:2001-03-13
Source:West Australian (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 21:45:25

A. CARBONE (Naltrexone works, Letters, 8/3), no one has said naltrexone
doesn't work. It does, in certain situations and for some addicts who want
to get clean, but not for all.

I have met Dr O'Neil and I have no doubt he is dedicated. However, Dr
O'Neil feeds you only one line - the old chestnut that with methadone "you
are only replacing one opiate with another opiate" and "you cannot live a
normal life on methadone". What he doesn't tell you is that there is
nothing new about naltrexone; it hasn't been used much because it doesn't
have a very good record, but methadone has been investigated, tested,
monitored and has a very good record. And you can live a normal life on

Did your brother choose the implant? If he did, I wonder why? Were you told
that as a carer of a patient without an implant you need to be on hand
daily for about three years? Was that a bit hard to cope with? This doesn't
happen with methadone. Clients can live a perfectly normal life, including
holding down a job.

No program works for those who do not want to get clean and this brings me
to another of your correspondents (Name and address supplied, Letters,
9/3). By dragging your daughter screaming and kicking to the high moral
ground you are likely to lose her for ever.

You must remember that she has made the choice. She obviously doesn't like
your particular high moral ground. Love her as a person, deplore what she
is doing but accept it. Remember, she is a human being. Support her, leave
the door open, show her that your high moral ground wasn't unattainable as
she thought, then, hopefully, she will make another choice. When she does,
support her choice of treatment; do not force your ideas on her. You will
then discover what unconditional love really means. I did.

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