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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: PUB LTE: Caffeine Addicts Self-Righteous
Title:CN BC: PUB LTE: Caffeine Addicts Self-Righteous
Published On:2001-03-15
Source:Vancouver Courier (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 21:25:34

To the editor:

Re: "City may follow Winnipeg and repeal beggar bylaw," March 4.

Police Insp. Dave Jones is quoted as saying that "there may be some
genuine hardship cases, but a lot of the money goes into their liver
or arm" in reference to Vancouver's panhandlers.

Which is to say he does not consider drug addiction to be a form of
hardship. Somewhat surprising coming from someone working so close to
street people.

Outlawing panhandling may make a few addicts look harder for help,
but many will turn to robbery and break-ins to support their habits,
certainly not an improvement in terms of public safety.

I have never been "extorted" by a panhandler, and have given
occasionally of my own volition, not to make myself feel good, as the
inspector implies, but rather to make the person soliciting feel

Whatever use he or she makes of that money is their own choice, and
not for me to judge. If I have any doubts I can simply ignore them.
For those who cannot sympathize with drug addicts may I suggest you
try cutting out coffee/caffeine for just one month.

C. Leduc,
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