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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: OPED: Hemp Part Of Logging Solution
Title:Australia: OPED: Hemp Part Of Logging Solution
Published On:2001-03-19
Source:Canberra Times (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 21:11:02

Steve Thomas opinion article ("Why we can't see wood for trees") fails to
mention two issues which put the logging our native forests in a very
different light. These are the ready availability of alternative sources of
raw materials for paper and pulp production, and the rate of plant/animal
extinction because of habitat destruction.

Paper and pulp production is the main purpose to which logged forest timber
is put. However, the benefits of growing hemp for paper production are well
known and well documented throughout history. It is cheaper and faster to
grow, with a bigger yield. There is also a farming co-operative in WA who
have turned to paper production from farm waste (in their case, wheat
stalks), with great success.

The long-term effects on forest eco-systems are dramatic and at times
irreversable. There is no disputing that a large number of extinctions can
be attributed to destruction of habitat. While an area with trees replanted
after logging may look pretty good after ten years, I'm sure an experienced
biologist with a sound knowledge of the wildlife of the area could spot
significant differences.

These two factors must be considered, otherwise we will run out of both
forests and wildlife in a few decades. It will be too late to start looking
for alternatives then, we should be doing it now.
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