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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: PUB LTE: We Must Regulate Cannabis Industry
Title:Australia: PUB LTE: We Must Regulate Cannabis Industry
Published On:2001-03-30
Source:West Australian (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 20:01:10

TERRY RYAN argues (Letters, 27/3) that the serious health
complications from smoking cannabis have been overlooked. Some will
agree with this view while others will disagree.

The annual turnover of this industry in Australia has been estimated
by Access Economics to be $5 billion, representing one per cent of
the Australian economy.

This means that the cannabis industry in Australia is the same size
as our gold industry, twice the size of our wine industry and
three-quarters the size of our beer industry. This industry is
controlled by criminals and corrupt police. If we have to choose
between one per cent of the Australian economy being controlled by
criminals and corrupt police, or being taxed and regulated, I feel no
shame in admitting that I favour the latter.

If Mr Ryan has good reasons to justify preferring to retain the
cannabis industry as a monopoly for criminals and corrupt police, I
am certainly broad minded enough to reconsider my position.

Taxing and regulating cannabis would restrict its supply to
juveniles. Cannabis health warnings and information on available help
could be provided with the drug. Police corruption could be
minimised. Scarce police resources could be diverted to reduce
violent crime. Perhaps these are outcomes that do not interest Mr

I recognise that changes of this kind do not happen suddenly.
Unfortunately, we may have to wait for several more royal commissions
into police corruption before these changes pass through the
political system.

Dr ALEX WODAK, president, Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation and
director, Alcohol and Drug Service, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney.
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