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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: LTE: If DARE Helps Just One
Title:CN BC: LTE: If DARE Helps Just One
Published On:2001-04-02
Source:Report Magazine (BC Edition)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 20:00:31

I am deeply disappointed in the unresearched facts and offside opinions
from Tana Dineen ("Just say 'no' to time-wasters like DARE," Mar. 19). She
seems to have perhaps written this in haste to get the article out while
the hoopla surrounding Constable Barry Schneider's death was still fresh in
everyone's mind.

Does she not believe that if even only one child can be saved, some good
has been done? Ms. Dineen states in her column that if the "feel-good"
programs like DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) were stopped, there
would be more time and money to spend on our kids: money for school
supplies, time to teach necessary skills and (this is the real kicker)
resources to provide effective services to those kids who don't say "no" to
drugs. What does that statement mean? Let's just fix them after they are
broken? Where does Ms. Dineen believe the funds for DARE come from? Not
from school budgets--it does not cost the school anything to have DARE
brought in.

Const. Schneider's drug overdose only enhances the message of just how evil
drugs are, that they know no boundaries, and education about drugs is
vitally important in the war against them. The attitude that because this
tragedy has happened, that therefore these programs should be cancelled,
shows just how lazy, weak and negative most people can be when it comes to
hard work.

D. Schneider
Gold River, B.C.

Editor's Note: Dr. Dineen's point was that the evidence shows the program
has no effect.
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