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News (Media Awareness Project) - Scotland: Families Step Out To Beat Drug Dealers
Title:Scotland: Families Step Out To Beat Drug Dealers
Published On:2001-04-01
Source:Daily Record and Sunday Mail (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 19:46:05

THOUSANDS of Scots are expected to join an anti-drugs march today
which is being staged by our sister paper the Daily Record.

Celebrities, politicians and families of drug victims will unite for
the procession through the streets of Glasgow.

The long-running Record campaign is aimed at exposing evil drug
dealers and remembering the victims of drugs.

Today's mass gathering embraces readers who have lost loved ones to
drugs such as heroin or cocaine as well as ordinary people determined
to ensure a safer Scotland for future generations.

The march begins from Blythswood Square and will end up at Glasgow
Green when a family carnival will be held.

A host of VIPs from the worlds of politics, showbiz and sport, who
share the burning desire to drive the dealers out, will attend.

Key speakers at the event will include First Minister Henry McLeish,
Scottish Secretary Helen Liddell, Rangers star Ronald De Boer, showbiz
star Sir Jimmy Savile and Daily Record editor Peter Cox.

Members of the Celtic legends, the Lisbon Lions, will also

Celebrities have offered to give up their time to show their strength
of support for the march which will be kicked off by Scotland coach
Craig Brown.

Lorraine Kelly, Ally McCoist, Mark Hateley, Alan McInally, Sean Lineen
and Jonathan Watson have all applauded the campaign's concerted
efforts over the past four months.

Support also came from Scots business tycoon Tom Hunter.

Their pledges were made after Tony Blair and all the major political
parties backed the hard-hitting campaign.

Church leaders have also given their backing and Cardinal Thomas
Winning, leader of the Catholic church in Scotland, will lend his
support today.

The big day will offer a message of hope and optimism.

Kids will be able to enjoy a funfair, face painting and bouncy castles
as the serious business at Glasgow Green gives way to fun.

The Radio Clyde Roadshow will be there hosted by Suzie McGuire and
Tiger Tim Stevens.

Scots Stars In Their Eyes winner Gary Mullen will perform his tribute
to Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury.

The key message will be contained in the Daily Record's charter
against drugs, which demands government action to clamp down on
dealers and rehabilitate users.

The charter wants to see drugs dealers' assets seized by the Inland
Revenue and police and judges able to seize all cars used in drug deals.

And if drugs are being sold from a council house, the charter believes
that tenants should be evicted and banned from having a council house

The Daily Record's anti-drugs march starts at Blythswood

The crowds will gather from noon onwards before beginning the march at

It will make its way along West George Street to George Square passing
the City Chambers.

Marchers will continue along George Street, into the High Street and
along the Saltmarket to Glasgow Green.

The rally is expected to begin at 2pm at the Green.

Family entertainment will be staged throughout the afternoon until
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