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News (Media Awareness Project) - US PA: Editorial: Message Hits Home
Title:US PA: Editorial: Message Hits Home
Published On:2001-04-08
Source:Bucks County Courier Times (PA)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 19:06:55

Our view: Sometimes simple is better. Consider the dramatic, impromptu
anti-drug message delivered to students last week by a shackled drug dealer
heading off to jail.

A lot of money is spent in this country trying to teach people, especially
young people, about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. But with Drug
Abuse Resistance Education (the in-school DARE program) coming under fire
because of outdated teaching methods and disappointing results, attention
has turned to other means of getting the word out on drugs.

What happened in a Bucks County courtroom last week demonstrated a
different way to present the anti-drug message. The "in your face" way that
is frightening and really hits home.

Thirty-year-old Gene Martin of Morrisville was the teacher. As he awaited
his sentence after pleading guilty to selling illegal drugs, a group of
fifth- and sixth-graders filed into the courtroom as part of a field trip
to the courthouse.

That's when Martin began "teaching." He addressed the startled children
directly, telling them about his own kids and how they've suffered because
of his involvement with drugs. He held up his handcuffs and indicated how a
small amount of drugs has resulted in so much pain for himself and his family.

He pleaded with the youngsters, almost screaming at times, not to follow in
his footsteps. "I lost everything because of drugs and alcohol," he said.
"My kids are suffering at home because of me... We had to buy diapers with
pennies 'cause I used the money for drugs."

Martin also wept. Then he was led out of the courtroom to begin a
three-to-six-year mandatory jail sentence in a state penitentiary.

The judge said he hoped the students were listening to Martin. But they
could hardly do anything else. Some of the students probably will never
forget what they saw and heard. We hope what they witnessed makes a lasting
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