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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: PUB LTE: Marijuana Party Is Alive And Strong
Title:CN BC: PUB LTE: Marijuana Party Is Alive And Strong
Published On:2001-04-06
Source:Comox Valley Record (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 18:43:07


I was pleased to hear that the Marijuana Party is alive and strong in
B.C., and in the Comox Valley this year. I can imagine the gasps
occurring in many households, and parents and youth wondering what the
heck is happening to our country.

What's important is that people keep an open mind about marijuana.
Remember that it has a history far beyond Emily Murphy, the woman who
pushed it under the Narcotics Act in the 1920s. Prior to that, hemp was
used for its fibres, medicinal purposes, and pleasure. Just to name a
couple of its uses, hemp was used for making canvas for painting,
incredibly strong rope for clipper ships, extracts to alleviate the
symptoms associated with PMS and to treat nausea. Of course we all know
about the enhanced creativity it provided play script writers, artists,
poets, and musicians, and further, its seed is absolutely packed with
protein. Actually, the more history you learn regarding cannabis, the
more surprised you will become.

Marijuana is only a touchy issue because it is illegal. Does anyone know
about Prohibition in the 1920s? Oh boy, those alcoholics made a huge
fuss to keep their booze. Otherwise, it would be illegal too. Pot
smokers didn't get so nasty as that. They pretty much kept the peace
except having to defend themselves against law enforcement ... which
often got overbearing. If hemp was decriminalized nowadays, how many
people would have to pack around weapons to defend their crops? How many
raids and assaults would have to occur? Not many.

I do not advocate children using marijuana to smoke. I think children
(including teens) need to let their brains develop naturally with good
nutrition and learning. I most certainly believe that adults should have
the opportunity to choose whether they wish to smoke, cook, or otherwise
enjoy the benefits of marijuana. This is what we do with alcohol and
tobacco, right? The difference between all of these, is that marijuana
is not a major cause of domestic violence, there has never been a
documented case of a disease being caused by marijuana, nor has anyone
been killed by it. However, I wouldn't recommend driving a vehicle,
going to work, or doing anything that requires in depth concentration
while using marijuana ... there's just too many other things to see and
do while in an enhanced state of mind.

There are some excellent videos available if you really look for them.
One that really stands out in my mind is one episode of David Suzuki's
"Nature of Things", where he explores hemp in as much detail as he could
wrap into one hour. Perhaps your local library may carry that recording?

One major issue that is worth mentioning is the status of our existing
forests, and how hemp can help. We all know that the environment is an
issue these days. We all know that we need to keep our trees so that
they can provide the air with cleanliness and help restore what
pollution has damaged. Does everyone know that you can make paper out of
hemp? Did you know that we could use the existing pulp and paper mills
to process the hemp fibres with little modifications? Did you know that
it takes a 100 years to grow a mature forest? Did you know that it takes
190 days to grow this hemp for paper processing? Did you know that our
government has known this information for a long time and is still
slaughtering our forests in spite of the solution?

I am just like everyone else in this community. A wife, a mother, a
business person, aunt, homeowner, part-time superwoman at times. The
only difference I see, is that when something that's really good is
staring the world in the face ... I go against the grain and advocate it
in spite of outbursts to follow. I guess it's the nature of rebellion,
but I'm going to rebel for a better world.

I wish the Marijuana Party the best of luck in their campaign. They have
my vote.

Marie McCallum, Courtenay
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