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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: PUB LTE: Drugs: Better Safe Than Sorry, Even For Hardliners
Title:Australia: PUB LTE: Drugs: Better Safe Than Sorry, Even For Hardliners
Published On:2001-04-20
Source:Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 17:59:52

Peter FitzSimons's excellent article (Herald, April 17) uses evidence-based
theories of which our Premier is a big fan in all areas except drug policy.

Any sensible person can see that legalisation is the only answer. It
removes much of the criminal underworld and drastically increases the
safety of drug users.

And before the prohibitionists say their usual "who cares about drug
users", I can guarantee that some of their loved ones are secretly using
drugs too. I hope they don't have to be converted to the harm minimisation
cause the hard way, when someone they love dies a preventable death.

Legalisation means a less corrupt police force and judiciary. Scarce police
resources can be diverted from victimless crimes to real crimes.

The police sniffer dogs catching a few people enjoying cocaine, marijuana
or any of the drugs used by recreational users (that is, people who are not
robbing to buy drugs) are not helping the community one iota.

In Portugal, possession of any drug for personal use is legal and the sky
has not fallen in on them. But, of course, personal users need someone to
buy from, so let's legalise it and end the needless pain, suffering and death.

L. Smith, Cremorne, April 17.
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