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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN AB: PUB LTE: Do Our Bodies Belong To Ourselves?
Title:CN AB: PUB LTE: Do Our Bodies Belong To Ourselves?
Published On:2001-04-25
Source:Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 17:31:48
AS A former president of the University of Alberta Canadian Alliance Club,
I was disturbed to read in David Rooney's April 21 article, "Pot party
Prize?", that MP Peter Goldring believes that Alliance supporters like
Matthew Johnston champion the cause of staffers as a whole.

To the contrary, it's the archaic views of prohibition dinosaurs like
Goldring who tar the Alliance and cause those who believe in limited
government to question the party's commitment to reducing the role of the
state in our lives.

I have not and will not smoke marijuana, but that's not the issue. What's
at stake is a question of liberty. Do our bodies belong to ourselves or do
they belong to Goldring and the army of jackbooted SWAT teams he would like
to see throwing innocent drug users in prison?

If the Alliance has any hope of maintaining credibility as the party of
limited government intervention, then there is no other choice than to
reject fossils like Goldring.

Chris Delanoy

(Police must follow the existing law until that law is changed.)
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