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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN MB: LTE Ecstacy No Answer
Title:CN MB: LTE Ecstacy No Answer
Published On:2001-04-30
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 16:59:37

I wish to commend the Sun staff and letter writer Jim Seggie April 24 for
their rebuttals to the recent ridiculous letters written by Chris Buors.

Mr. Buors acts as though suicide is just another casual activity of daily
living. The truth is the clinically depressed individual can be treated.

As for this benign act, Mr. Buors, in his hyperbole, forgot the
contribution to society lost and the devastated loved ones left behind.

With respect to promoting ecstasy as a benign drug with other recreational
drugs, I invite Mr. Buors to check the liver diseases unit at HSC and the
donor registry in Ottawa to see how many people have suffered and died from

I remain perplexed at how this individual acquired such contempt for his
fellow humans in advocating such self-destructive activities.

John E. Haynes


Suicide is impossible to condone.
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