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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WA: Editorial: A Message Of Respect In Murphy Jury Award
Title:US WA: Editorial: A Message Of Respect In Murphy Jury Award
Published On:2001-05-03
Source:Herald, The (WA)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 16:37:59

A Jury's Findings Tuesday Sent A Lot Of Messages.

Clearly, one message is a reminder that the case of former Sheriff Patrick
Murphy is even more complicated than most people would assume.

And, if there were ever any doubt, the jury said clearly that Murphy is a
man who deserves respect as an individual and as an honorable public
servant. That acknowledgement is the most meaningful finding by the jury.

Jurors ruled that the state Board of Pharmacy negligently disclosed
Murphy's confidential medical information to county officials in a June 12,
1995 meeting. And the jury awarded Murphy and his family $2.8 million in
damages related to physical suffering -- Murphy battles intractable jaw
pain -- and mental anguish.

As people consider the case, any number of reasonable debates may arise.
Some will see, as Murphy and his attorney did, a civil conspiracy rather
than the negligence that the jury found.

Others will view this as a case of yet-another jury dispensing money out of
sympathy rather than reasoned judgment. Some will share our belief that, in
hindsight, everyone would have been served better if Murphy's medication
needs had been revealed much earlier -- by him.

Still, the jury findings represent an honest, creditable attempt at justice
in the midst of deeply complicated circumstances. Judging from the closing
arguments and news reports, the attorneys for both the state and Murphy
performed honorably and well. The case was overseen by a highly respected
judge, Ronald Castleberry. And, whether or not any of us in the public
agree with every line, the jury's findings appear reasoned and nuanced.

They decisively -- 11 to 1 -- rejected conspiracy allegations. They
unanimously believed that Murphy bears a share of the responsibility for
his own troubles. And they still ruled strongly in his favor that
information about his use of prescription pain drugs shouldn't have been
released to county officials and was highly damaging.

If there was an element of sympathy for Murphy in their discussions, so be
it. As anyone who has followed Murphy knows, he rose impressively through
the ranks of law enforcement administration. Among his posts were police
chief of Snohomish and interim sheriff of Snohomish County. The trial also
brought home his academic and family achievements even while battling pain
from a series of injuries.

One of the jury's messages, then, was about how we treat people whose
physical pain may well be beyond what most of us, including health
professionals, can readily grasp.

Whatever future legal events may occur in this case or in a federal case
Murphy has brought, he has had a day in court in front of 12 fellow
citizens. He has received a lasting, justified statement of respect.

And he deserves every good fortune as he turns his talents toward the future.
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