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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN AB: PUB LTE: Drug Policy Hurts Children
Title:CN AB: PUB LTE: Drug Policy Hurts Children
Published On:2001-05-08
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 16:12:27

In criticizing New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson's drug policy reform advocacy,
Nigel Hannaford fails to consider the children he's intent on protecting
have an easier time buying illegal drugs than beer. Unlike legitimate
businesses that sell alcohol, drug dealers don't ID for age. I
respectfully disagree with Hannaford's conclusion that regulation is not
the answer. Taxing and regulating marijuana would separate the hard and
soft drug markets and eliminate the gateway to drugs like cocaine and
heroin. Establishing strict age controls is critical.

No system is foolproof, but undermining the youth-oriented black market is
a step in the right direction. The crime, corruption and overdose deaths
attributed to illegal drugs are all direct results of drug prohibition.
With alcohol prohibition repealed, U.S. liquor producers no longer gun each
other down in drive-by shootings, nor do consumers go blind drinking
unregulated bathtub gin.

Attempts to limit the supply of illegal drugs while demand remains constant
only increase the profitability of drug trafficking. The drug war doesn't
fight crime, it fuels crime. Drug policy reform may send the wrong message
to children, but I like to think the children themselves are more important
than the message.

Robert Sharpe
Washington, D.C.
Program Officer, Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy Foundation.
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