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News (Media Awareness Project) - Ireland: Seven-Year National Strategy To Get To Grips With Drugs
Title:Ireland: Seven-Year National Strategy To Get To Grips With Drugs
Published On:2001-05-11
Source:Irish Examiner (Ireland)
Fetched On:2008-01-26 15:56:15

A national blueprint for tackling drugs was launched yesterday by the
Government. The seven-year plan sets, for the first time, clear
targets for Government departments and state agencies.

Launching the detailed report, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern said the
Government was determined to implement the strategy with a sense of
urgency and momentum.

"It marks a departure by setting out specific objectives, as well as
100 actions, with an agency or agencies assigned accountability for
the delivery of each action."

Regional drug task forces -- modelled on the 14 existing local drug
task forces in Dublin and Cork -- will be set up in each health board
area to develop local strategies.

The report says that pounds 15 million is being allocated to local
drug task forces and pounds 46m is being provided by the Young
People's Facilities and Services Fund.

The 124-page National Drugs Strategy 2001-2008 sets objectives across
three main areas: prevention, supply and treatment.

"We have set high targets so as to cut our level of problem drug
misuse, which is above the EU average," said Minister of State with
responsibility for drugs, Eoin Ryan.

"The Taoiseach and I and all the Government departments have agreed to
the targets, and it will be monitored every six months to see who is
delivering and who is not," he added.

Andre Lyder of the Coalition of Communities Against Drugs said he was
encouraged to see performance targets being set and an emphasis on a
continuum of care for users.

* The full report can be viewed from Monday at www.tourism-sportirlgov.ie.
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