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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Medical Cannabis To Be Legalised Within Two Years
Title:UK: Medical Cannabis To Be Legalised Within Two Years
Published On:2001-05-13
Source:Daily Telegraph (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 20:07:31

Cannabis could be legalised for medicinal use within two years after
clinical trials on patients with multiple sclerosis, cancer and arthritis
proved encouraging.

Tests on 70 British patients showed that an extract of the plant sprayed
under the tongue significantly reduced pain, muscle spasms and bladder
problems. Because the doses used in the trials were relatively low,
patients did not experience the "high" associated with smoking or eating
the drug.

Large scale trials involving up to 2,000 patients are underway and should
be complete by 2003. The tests are being carried out by GW Pharmaceuticals,
a British company licensed to grow 40,000 cannabis plants in a greenhouse
at a secret location in the south of England.

Cannabis contains active ingredients called cannabinoids that can alleviate
pain, reduce tremors and prevent incontinence. In the "phase two" clinical
trials, which have been taking place in Oxford, Guernsey, Great Yarmouth
and London, patients have been given sprays containing cannabis or a placebo.

The drug was sprayed under the tongue so that it was absorbed into the
bloodstream rather than swallowed or inhaled. The applicator allowed
patients to regulate their own dose . Dr Geoffrey Guy, chairman of GW
Pharmaceuticals, said he hoped that cannabis would be prescribed legally by

He said: "Patients are clearly gaining benefit. These results provide
enough confidence for us to increase the number of trial centres and the
number of patients taking part. We are seeing a significant improvement in
quality of life for sufferers of a range of medical conditions."

If the final trial results are good enough, a licence would need to be
approved by the Medicines Control Agency. The Government has confirmed to
the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee that it would be
willing to amend the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act to allow the prescribing of
cannabis-based medicines.

Mark Rogerson, a spokesman for GW Pharmaceuticals, said: "The important
thing seen in these trials is that it can really improve lifestyle. For
multiple sclerosis sufferers it helps with incontinence and pain and allows
people to sleep."

The success of the trials could lead to tests of cannabis on other
diseases. Some supporters of the legalisation of cannabis say it can treat
depression, asthma, glaucoma, Parkinson's disease, menstrual cramps and
prevent seizures in epilepsy.

Many of the health concerns surrounding the drug are focused on the toxic
effects of cannabis smoke. Studies have shown that smoking three cannabis
cigarettes a day causes as much lung damage as a packet of 20 standard
cigarettes. But there are concerns that some of the 400 active compounds in
the drug could affect concentration and memory.

Lesley von Goetz, 75, a grandmother from Dundee, is to stand for parliament
for the Legalise Cannabis Alliance party.
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