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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN MB: Column: Parents Must Find A Way To Warn Kids
Title:CN MB: Column: Parents Must Find A Way To Warn Kids
Published On:2001-05-20
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 19:20:21

After reading in Friday's Sun that toxicology tests have confirmed Becky
Ducharme, 16, died from an ecstasy overdose, I tried to imagine what
conversation a parent could have with a teenager that might prevent them
from ever taking ecstasy and killer drugs like it, or help those who are
already using decide to stop.

Not sure that conversation exists.

Maybe the way to begin would be to clear up one misunderstanding right off
the top.

Parents want their kids to avoid drugs like ecstasy for only one reason,
and it's not because they want to wreck their fun or control them.

It's simply because they love them and want them to get the most out of
life they possibly can.

Fun is great. Permanent brain damage, paralysis or death from
self-inflicted behaviour is the worst possible waste of a happy healthy
young person.

Dear youth, who I'm crazy about, please note: Parents/adults are not the
enemy. Just think of us as older teenagers with perspective. We've been
there, seen friends permanently screw up their lives, seen some die. We
don't want that to happen to you.

We may seem like a pain in the butt sometimes, but that's our job. We care.
We'd be lousy parents if we didn't try and warn you about something that
could wreck your life, or end it. You'll do the same when you have kids.
That's the way the world works, and you know it.

I remember very clearly what it was like to be a teenager. I felt invulnerable.

An average attitude from the partiers in my generation, maybe every
generation, probably goes something like this:

"Sure, I'm going a little crazy, having some serious fun, but I know I'm
not going too far, that I'm in control, even though it may not look like
it" (which makes it even more cool), "and that nothing disastrous is going
to happen. Trust me. I know what I'm doing. Don't worry."

But as time went by, the same number of kids killed or permanently damaged
themselves in our generation as they had in generations before. We were no
smarter, nor any less. Blah blah blah, you know what I'm saying.

So here's the bottom line: Please, go have fun, but remember before you do
something you know to be potentially dangerous, like ecstasy, that some
things are undoable.

Much as we'd love to be able to change it, Becky Ducharme is not coming back.

Slimy Killer

It also doesn't hurt to remember that somewhere down the line those drugs
are coming from a slimy killer who doesn't care if you live or die. All
they want is your cold hard cash. I used that same motivation to help
myself quit smoking.

Be smart enough and selfish enough to put you, your good health and your
future first. Be greedy with your life. Sure, maybe you're going to drink
some, or smoke a little weed, or maybe not, but stay away from anything
that has the potential to kill you or permanently damage you the first time
you use it ... and that potential is ALWAYS there with uncontrolled substances.

Be smart. Be selfish. Throwing up from too much beer is totally different
than being in a coma from an overdose. Or dead. And we all know it happens.
It's not one of those overbearing parental threats, it's just the truth.

Be a little nuts once in a while, but love yourself enough to stay out of
harm's way.

It's your life. Nobody can save it but you. Now get outta here and go have
some fun.
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