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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Needle Exchange Does Good, Not Harm
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Needle Exchange Does Good, Not Harm
Published On:2001-05-26
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 18:41:36

The article ("Used needles scare off cleanup crew," May 22) leads the
reader to believe needle exchanges increase the number of needles found in
our neighbourhood streets and parks.

The programs do not "give" 20 needles to clients -- 20 is the maximum
allowed. Most needles are exchanged on a one-for-one basis and in smaller
numbers. The service also provides special containers which destroy used
needles and insulate them from the public. Several studies have also proved
that needle exchanges do not increase the number of publicly discarded
needles nor do they in any way promote drug use.

Angela Ierullo is a well known and vocal opponent of the city's needle
exchange programs. While she is entitled to her opinion, despite a good
body of evidence against it, what I find most disturbing is her use of
children to promote her cause and gain publicity.

If we can reduce the spread of infectious diseases among drug users we will
reduce the number of contaminated needles that may prick our youngsters.
The leading cause of childhood HIV infection is from infected mothers. The
leading cause of HIV in women is IV drug use (their own use and/or that of
a sexual partner). Add those two together and if you're really concerned
about children you will support needle exchanges.

Is needle exchange the perfect solution? Of course not. But at the moment,
it is our most powerful tool in reducing the spread of HIV, hepatitis, and
other terrible diseases. Drug use isn't all about slums and Hollywood
excess, it's in average middle class communities. It only takes one
teenaged act of rebellion or a momentary lapse in judgment to get a
devastating and possibly fatal illness. If someone I know and love makes
that mistake, I'd like to know it won't carry life-long consequences.

Don't bury your head in the sand. Drugs are already in your community.

Mark Kal,

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